Chapter 15

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Rochana: You can go with your wife, Parth. I am not going to accepting this woman.

Rochana was going from there but pritha stopped her.

Pritha: Wait putri! It doesn't look good if a newly married girl stand like this at the gate of her in laws. Many will mock us if we don't accept her. So, you have to welcome her.

Rochana: In a palace, two queens can never reside. Either she will stay here neither I.

Suhasini: See, I am not here to take chief queen's place. I am not greedy for the throne. Please maharani, don't oust me. If a person will stay in your palace, it won't fall small. *falls over Rochana's feet and dramatically sobs*

Rochana frowned and looked at Suhasini and she was trying to understand why Suhasini is doing this. Rochana looked around and found maids and soldiers whispering things. Before Suhasini could get more sympathy, Rochana decided to stop her pathetic drama by welcoming her as she didn't have any solid proof against her.

Rochana reluctantly welcomed Suhasini and looked at Parth who's gaze was still over his wife. Rochana went to her chamber and Parth came behind her.

Parth: Ruchi....

Rochana: I don't want to hear anything from you. Just tell what was the reason of marrying another woman and that also a woman like Suhasini. I know maybe I did a little bit harsh behaviour but does it mean you have to marry several times? You disappointed me, Parth! You disappointed me very much. Do you know I was waiting for you from that day you gone and was eager to solve the misunderstandings between for my child's sake. But what you did, after that, it's not possible for me to stay with you.

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