Chapter 8

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Suhasini shouted in anger and told all the maids to leave her alone.

Suhasini: You don't know me, Rochana. Just wait and watch. I will make Parth mine today only.

Suhasini took looked at her and started to find out a powder. Suhasini took the powder and smirked.

Suhasini called her personal maid and told her to mix this powder on Arjun's milk and to take care that no one should see her.

That maid nodded and went to the kitchen. Then Suhasini went to Parth's chamber and started crying hugging his feet.

Parth: Suhasini.... what are you doing? Leave my feet. What happened?

Suhasini: Parth...... *cries*

Parth: Arrey.... Suhasini! What happened? Why are you crying like this?

Parth made Suhasini stand and Suhasini hugged Parth very tightly and continued her drama.

At that time, Rochana was passing from there and stopped seeing them so close. Rochana frowned and continued seeing from behind the door. At that time, a maid came with milk. Rochana stopped her and took the glass of milk and started drinking it. The maid facepalmed and tried to stop Rochana.

Maid: Maharani! Maharani! This was for Maharaj.

Rochana: So what? I will drink this. Bring another glass for him.

Maid: But.....

Rochana: Arguing with me? What was special in this? Go and bring another glass.

Hearing their voice, Suhasini left Parth and looked at Rochana who already completed drinking the milk.

Suhasini: It was for Parth! Why did you drink this?*shouts*

Rochana: So what? And what were you doing with my husband in my chamber? Answer it at first.

Suhasini: I...

Parth: Yes Suhasini, what happened? Why was you crying?

Suhasini: Actually Parth.... I was....

Rochana: By the way, you can go. We will hear you later. I am not feeling well. I will take rest now. Go away.

Suhasini nodded and went away. Rochana closed the door and she was going to fall but Parth hold her.

Parth: Ruchi! Are you okay?

Parth made Rochana stand and her body language was strange. Rochana was starring at Parth.

Parth: What happened? Why are you staring at me like this?

Rochana: So what? I am starring at my husband. *hugs Parth*

Parth: Are you in senses?

Rochana: No, I am lost. Lost in your love.

Rochana tightened her grip and Parth frowned thinking what happened to her.

Parth: Ruchi! I think you need much rest. Leave me.

Rochana: Why? You were enjoying very much when that Suhasini hugged you. But now, you are despising your wife. Huh?

Parth looked at Rochana who was looking at her with puppy eyes.

Parth: Nothing like that, Ruchi!

Rochana: I know but you are mine, only mine.

Rochana claimed Parth's lips and Parth was shocked at first..............

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