Chapter 17

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Parth: But what is your problem with Suhasini? What she did?

Rochana: What she did? Ohh! You can't see what she did?

Parth: No, I can't. She is trying her best to keep you happy but you are being angry over her for no reason.

Rochana: Ohh! I can see her effect in you. So now, she became good and I am bad? If she is so good, why did she marry you? Was there not any other bachelor in aryavart that she got you only?

Parth: There is not her fault. It was her father who requested me to marry her. And just say once what wrong she did with you?

Rochana: Do you know Parth there are three types of blind? First, the one who can't see by eyes but can understand everything. Second who can see but blindfolded or don't want to see if it's in front of them then also and third, who is both blind and blindfolded. You are 2nd type.

Rochana went outside from chamber angrily and Parth was calling her from behind but Rochana didn't pay heed. Suddenly, Suhasini came and fall over Rochana's feet.

Rochana: What is this Suhasini? What are you doing?

Suhasini: Maharani, I know you are angry over me. I know I hurt you. Please punish me for that but don't punish arya. There is not his fault. *dramatically sobs*

Rochana: Stop your drama and leave me. Let me go.

Suhasini: You can insult me. I won't stop you but don't go from the palace. I don't want the chief queen's crown. I am ready to be your servant for whole life but don't go. Otherwise, I won't be able to forgive myself.

Rochana: Please stop it. I know it's all your drama and why are you stopping me? Do you still want to hurt me?

Suhasini: Okay maharani, you can go but I will accompany you.

Parth: Stop! No one will. Suha, go to your chamber.

Suhasini nodded and went from there. Then Parth looked at Rochana and hold her hands tightly.

Rochana: What are you doing?

Parth: Shut up. Just come with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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