A Father's Letter: Ch. 13

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Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't updated in so long.

But now I have, so enjoy!

So remember to vote, fan, and comment please! :-)


-Chapter 13-


                He had a new address- one that was in California; sunny San Diego. Though it was likely that many things had changed for him with this new address, he still had the same handwriting-the handwriting he used to sign for me on my birth certificate, and to give me away to be under Irene’s care. So holding this letter in my hand from him made me wonder what was inside- had his thoughts changed too?

                I could only describe my mixed emotions to Irene, so I began to slowly walk from the mail box back to the small house that I had become strangely attached too. I gripped the letter and opened the door, not acknowledging anyone in the living room before I entered the kitchen. I looked up to see Irene sitting at the kitchen table, her reading glasses perched on her nose with her eyes ran back and forth across the Sunday paper. For a brief second, I saw my mother as she looked up and smiled at me, delicately folding the paper and placing it on the table next to her steaming mug of coffee.

                “Levi, sweetie, what’s wrong?” Her furrowed brow and confused look snapped me out of my thoughts and I gave her a weak smile back in return. I sat down next to her, and hesitantly handed her the letter. My eyes steadily examined her reaction as she noticed who sent me the letter, and I waited for her remark, or her advice not to read it. But she just looked up at me and smiled, laying it in front of me.

                “Go ahead.” She said, and watched me slowly open it. Once I laid my free hand on the table, she grabbed it- giving it one firm squeeze. I began to silently read it.

“Levi David,

                How have you been, buddy? I hope their treating you good up there. Knowing you, I doubt highly that you like the rainy weather.

                The past years that I hadn’t been living with you, Fiona, and your mother- I’ve been living in San Diego. It’s nice down here, a lot like New York- which is why I’m contacting you. What would you say to move down here with me? You’ve got to be tired of living there- with a family you don’t know and kids you don’t know either.       I know we’ve had our differences in the past, but we can get past that.

                You don’t have to be the star athlete, kid. You can just be you. I don’t care that you’re gay, or that you want to take pictures for a living. All I want from you is to give your old man another chance. I’ve already lost your sister and your mother; I don’t want to lose you.

Think about.


When I finished, I put done with letter and stared so hard at the table, my eyes burned but I kept still. Irene didn’t ask any questions, but she leaned over and wrapped her arms around me.



                When Levi had walked into the kitchen early today without saying a word when he passed by, I began to worry. So I noticed him sitting outside on the porch after dinner, and I slipped passed Amber and knocked on the side of the door frame as I watched him stare blankly at the gravel driveway. He looked startled, but calmed when he saw me. His grinned his infamous weak grin and it was enough of an invitation for me to be able to sit in the rocking chair besides his. I carefully took his hand and smiled at him.

                “I’m fine.” He told me, trying to sound strong.

                “I didn’t ask yet.” I said, quickly glancing to make sure nobody could see before I leaned over to affectionately and firmly kiss his cheek for a few loving moments.

                “Well, regardless, I am.”

                “You’re lying.” I said with a smirk.

                He looked down, closed his eyes and frowned. “I’m not.” He said coldly.

                I worriedly look at him and gently lifted his head up so he could face me, letting my thumb lovingly caress his chin. “Hey,” I said as his eyes met mine, “Okay. You’re not. I’m sorry.”

                “I’m just so exhausted.” He said, his weary, vulnerable eyes almost allowing him to tell me whatever was on his mind. But as quickly as they connected with mine, his eyes cast down and the barrier had returned.  “I’m going to bed.” He slowly got up and shut the door behind him, leaving me alone on the porch with my thoughts.

                I couldn’t let him be, I had to go help him- so I hurriedly stood up and began to head inside, but I ran into Amber at the door.

                “Sorry.” I said, trying to dismiss her and slid by, but she stopped me with her hand firmly pushing my chest back. I looked at her, then back at Levi as he slowly stomped up the stairs.

                “Honey, can we go do something tomorrow? You know- dinner and a movie?”

                “Yeah sure, whatever.” I kept trying to slide past her, but Amber tightened her grip around a handful of my shirt. She used her other to rub my back in slow circles, and it disgusted me.

                 “Why don’t we go to my room?” She whispered in my ear before giving it a slight bite.

                “I can’t. I have to go home.” I lied to her pouting face, resolving that I was going to have to speak with Levi tomorrow.


So what did you all think?

Can you wait for the great new drama I have planned? I hope you all are excited- it's about to get really good!

Sorry this one was short, it was just a good cut off. Next one will be a lot longer!

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