Speaking His Mind: Ch. 12

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Hey guys! Hope you'll enjoy this chapter!

Sorry if it takes me a week or two to post, trying to earn straight A's. :-)

So please remember to vote, comment, and fan! :-)


-Chapter  12-


                It had been three days of quality time with Joey. We had gone to a carnival outside of Forks, about an hour and a half away, for a day- but other than that we hung around the house watching movies, playing board games, and video games. It was all the things we use to do back in NYC, keeping away from any serious discussions. But knowing he was leaving today left a bitter taste in my mouth.

                I came back to my thoughts once I hear Joey’s suitcase pound against the floor once he reached the door. Everyone slowly starts to migrate outside onto the porch to wave goodbye to Joey as he puts his suitcase in Quentin’s jeep. Slowly, one by one, everyone says their goodbyes; giving one or two hugs.

                But after giving a long hug and exchanging a smile with our other two best friends, Joey left John and Meredith to come to me. I didn’t want to get too attached, so I gave my third best friend an affectionate grip on his shoulder. “I’ll see you around, Joe.” I said, forcing a smile so I could stay strong.

                But Joey just kept smiling, and nodded at me. He threw one last wave, mine being weakly returned, and walked to Quentin’s car without another word.

                “Joey?” I heard myself ask him hoarsely. My voice was chocked and I was holding back tears. He simply turned around, smiling at me, and held his arms open for me. Immediately, I dashed into his arms- nearly knocking him over- and clutched his shirt in my fists as he also wrapped his arms around me. He pressed his lips to my ear as I nuzzled my face into his neck. “Don’t go.” I whispered to him, tears beginning to trickle down my face.

                “I’ll miss you so much, Lee.” Joey said softly, “But I won’t be gone for long.” He held me closer for another minute or two, but eventually we had to pull away and look into each other’s eyes. I gripped his arms as they held the sides of my head to meet his gaze. “I won’t be gone long,” He repeated, “I’ll be back. I’m not going to be gone forever.”

                I nodded slightly, and I let out a quiet sob as the tears began to run down my face in a rush. “Okay.” I said quietly.

                “Be strong.” He said caringly, bending down to strongly press his lips to my forehead. I closed my eyes as I heard him whisper, “They would want you to be happy. With him.” Joey and I separated, and I handed him the t-shirt that he gave me with a weak smile.

                “Remember me when you wear it for the other boys.” I teased.

                He smiled and pulled it on over his head then walked to the car, and I remember myself standing there- watching as Joey drove away. Then I stood there for a few more minutes with Griffin’s hand on my shoulder, before he finally dragged me back into the house.

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