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Hey guys!

So here's the story you've been waiting for...

My new boyxboy werwolf story thingy!

Haha! :-)

Anyways, this is just the prologue so it's not that exciting, but, tomorrow I will surly have a good first chapter. :-)

It's just so late and I'm tired... :-(

Oh yeah! Today my school had no power for a hour and it was so cool!

All we did in first hour is our teacher had our class making a list of who would be sacaraficed first in a Zombie attack. It was hilarous! I was nominated to be #9, but my teacher said he liked me too much so he but somebody else there! It made me laugh so hard! :-)

Anyways, enough about my personal life. :-p :-)

Please read and remember to vote, comment, and fan!

If you think there are other stories I should enter in Watty Awards, please tell me.

Also, please check out my other stories! Thank you!

(No hateful homophobic comments, please.)




I knew that day I should have gone with them.

But no, I was too selfish to even consider it. “I can’t go camping,” I had once said to the loving faces of my mother and sister, “I’m a city slicker.” With this, they had agreed and been on their way to my mother’s hometown in Forks, Washington for their yearly camping trip. Little did any of us know those wild wolves would maul them, taking both of their innocent lives.

Sometimes I heard their screams in my dreams, their pleads, and even the snarling of wolves as they tore my family a part; just as my father did a few years before when he made the choice to file a divorce against my mother. I was only 5 at the time, and was truly confused about why my parents, who were suppose to love each other the most at the time, would do something like this to Fiona and I.

If you must know, Fiona was my sister. Her full name was Fiona Alice O’Connor, and was the most gorgeous girl to ever live.  She had the same high cheekbones, fair skin, rosy cheeks, curly brown hair that fell in long spirals down her back, full pink lips, nice tall structure, and those warm mocha eyes that we shared. She was a year younger, only at age 16, but truly looked as if she was my twin. Now everyday, when I looked at any picture of her, I imagined that gorgeous body disfigured and bloody.

So, of course Fiona and I had to have gotten our good looks somewhere, yes? Well, we were the spitting image of our beautiful mother. Our mother had all our features, but she looked much more regal or elegant you could say. As, considering the fact she had aged and had bore two children, she was in wonderful physical shape.

I could remember both of them like it was yesterday, not a long month ago they were killed. Let alone, all the memories I had that came back to haunt me.

“Levi, my date’s coming in ten minutes. I’ll be down in a jiffy if you could just answer the door,” Fiona began to rant, as I barely listened on the couch in our large condo located in Manhattan, New York City,” and be NICE.”

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