Natural Instincts: Ch. 2

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Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't uploaded in awhile, but I'm working on it. Promise. :-)

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter. :-)

And if you do....

Please comment, vote, and fan! :-)

P.S To the side is Griffin as a wolf. :-)


-Alpha's Imprint-

-Chapter 2-


It had been a hour or two since I had locked myself in my new room. So, I grew quite bored, leading for me to grab my camera and sneak out of my room.

I quietly shut the door behind me, then crept down the stairs and snuck past my peers as they watched the movie. Once I slipped out the back door, I began walking towards the large forest.

As I navigated my way through the forest, I look at all my surroundings and take a quick picture of the moon. It looked beautiful that night, a complete full moon, gazing at it in awe. But I soon returned to my adventure, walking through the forest as I looked for anything that would catch my interest.

As I kept walking mindlessly, I found myself thinking about whatever could have happened to Fiona's body...

They had found my mother's, barely recognizable to my own eyes., Fiona'a had been nowhere in sight. She was presumed dead, before they found blood that belonged to her surrounding the scene where they found my mother's body. I had my mother's body buried, and right next to it is a few extra spits at the cemetery that actually right in Forks. It had been actually a great spot, since my mother grew up in Forks I just figured it'd be nice to have her buried there and one day for myself to be buried there as well. Of course, I had a grave set up for Fiona but it was just symbolic since her body wasn't actually resting there. The police just assumed the wolves had eaten her and that we would never find her body, which honestly depressed me more than anything.

I held back tears as I kept walking, my my mind soon clearing off all depression as it clouded with confusion as I stared at a mysterious cave opening. I slowly approached the cave opening, then crouched down slightly as I began to enter the cave. I fumbled around in my pocket for my mini flashlight, then flipped it in and used the light to shine on the walls of the cave.

My mouth fell agape as I gasped, taking in the beauty of the cave paintings on the wall. My eyes roamed the paintings that I portended to be ancient. The paintings showed many wolves... Then a war almost, but in the middle there was a heart that was being pieced together from two parts. My brow furrowed as I tried to understand the tremendous amount of paintings. But, my eyes kept wandering back to the heart painting.... It intrigued me and I suddenly wondered why it seemed so important.

But I just took a quick picture of that certain painting, then left the cave once again. As I kept walking along the forest once again, I heard a rustling of leafs. I quick spun around, startled. My eyes wandered along my surroundings, which made me realize I was standing in a clearing. But before I could continue walking, a low growl came from behind me. I turned around slowly, once again, to face a wolf.

It remained growling, his amber eyes seeming to form a glare a me. The dark brown hair bristling at his neck. I slowly began to back up, but that just made him jump forward towards me. I gasped and my legs crumbled beneath me as I leaned back against a tree.

My body grew unfamiliar to me, weak and vulnerable, at the very sight of this savage beast. I felt tears run down my cheeks, and a quiet whimper echo in my ears.

Alpha's Imprint (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now