A Mixture of Tears: Chapter 16

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Well, it's been a year.

Though that's not something I'm proud of. I looked back today at all my old work and realized I should have never gave up on this story. I shouldn't have given up on you guys who loved it.

I'm really sorry.

But I've brought you a new chapter- though I don't expect most who loved Griffin and Levi to see it. I totally understand though. It was my fault- but I'm going to try and finish this story. So here's my first attempt at redemption.



-Chapter 16-

-Griffin's POV-

            It had been a few weeks since I had ended my relationship with Levi, and I was missing him terribly. Every weekend we would eat every meal together at Irene's table, the pack and his friend's included. Tonight, as every Saturday night, I stared at the messy curls falling in front of his face. I was begging- pleading- with my gaze for him to acknowledge me. But he kept those warm mocha eyes I yearned for staring down at his plate as he mixed the peas and starchy mashed potatoes together to forge a picked plate- though not even bothering to touch his steak.

            "So, Levi, want to go into the dark room after dinner to work on our new photography project?" Eboni asked, breaking the silence and bringing everyone's attention to the reserved boy.

            "Yeah, sure." He said simply, glancing up at Eboni only for a brief second before returning his eyes to his plate.

            But those few seconds were all it took for me to notice his evident violet under-eyes and pale, sickly skin. I could barely restrain myself from leaning over the table and trying to shake some sense into my mate. He looked worse and worse everyday, and I hated myself for not being able to do anything about it. But I knew if I were to get involved with Levi once again, I'd crush all love and respect he had for me by letting him know who I truly was; a monster.

            But, by some miracle, the depressing boy looked up again, "Did anyone get the mail today?" He asked quietly.

            My heart jumped at the chance for conversation, even if the window was small. "No," I said too rushed and awkwardly, "No, nobody did." I said more calmly, trying to act casual.

            Levi eyed me for a second, but I was cowardly and didn't allow myself to look him in the eye even if that was all I had wanted but a moment ago. I hated myself for it. He then nodded slowly, and excused himself from the table and opened the door to go outside, letting in the soft gleam of a dying sun.

            The conversation fell back to some football game amongst the table, but I simply looked up and watched Levi go to the mailbox and sort through the mail. Though I watched with my perfect view through the window, nobody seemed to notice my lack of attention to the conversation. I observed as Levi opened a letter, then let his eyes scan quietly across the page. It must have been brief, because within a minute he was walking back towards the house. He paused at the door, running a hand through his locks of matted hair, then returned to the room silently and going up the stairs to his room.

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