The Truth: Ch. 14

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Hey guys!

Thought I'd upload again, since the last one was short.

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-Chapter 14-


                It had been a long week of countless dates with Amber; long drives past La Push, sappy chick-flicks, new restaurants in other towns. She felt as if I was “mistreating” her for hanging around with the guys more than I had her this past month. All this complaining and clinginess from her made me realize I had to break up with her- despite my fear of rejection from the pack and the whole school if I actually admitted I was with Levi.

                But I pulled up to the driveway of Irene’s house and got out of my car the same time Amber did, and silently thanked God that another painful date was over, and prayed that I would gain the confidence to be with Levi, the boy I loved. We walked inside, Amber grabbing onto my arm as soon as we walked into the living room where everyone else was sitting around the television.

                “Well, I’m glad you all are finally here. I was just waiting up for you two to get home- now I’m off to bed.” Irene said, yawning for more of an affect as she stood up. She gave us all a smile and a wave as she began to make her way to her bedroom and we all wished her a goodnight. I sat down next to Levi on the couch and exchanged brief smiles that faded once Amber plopped herself down on the other side of me. I sighed just softly enough for Levi and I to hear as she snuggled close to me, causing us both to chuckle.

                “Hey, turn it to the news- rumor has it that it might actually be sunny tomorrow afternoon.” Quentin said, so Eboni changed it to the other channel. We all paid attention as the big story hit the news and the anchor lady started to talk.

                “The police have been trying to track some violent wolves for the past few months that have caused a few deaths here in Forks. Earlier this year, there was a death of two tourists. A mother and a daughter who lived in New York City; the mother had grown up here. They were mauled, and only the mother’s body could be found- the daughter’s body has been expected to be completely destroyed by the animals. But another body of a thirty year old man was found last night, and we expect it was the same animals to commit the crime.” I listened intently, knowing they must be talking of the hair and blood we found a few weeks ago, but along with everyone else- I looked up, startled, to see Levi running from the room. I quickly got up and went after him. I followed him up the stairs and quickly caught his bedroom door behind him before he could slam it in my face. I opened it slowly and saw him curled up on his bed, letting out deep, sad sobs.  I shut the door behind me and quietly went up to him, sitting beside him, and pulled him onto my lap with my arms wrapped around his shaking body.

                “Please, just tell me.” I said, pressing my lips firmly to his temple.

                “My mother and sister were mauled by those creatures, and I just can’t take it anymore. “ He said; his words like venom. “I hate those stupid animals so much! They took everything from me; my mother, my sister, my home. I can’t even think of them without every little bit of happiness I have die within me.”

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