Accidents Happen: Ch. 4

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Hey guys! So I'm finally uploading again,

Are you guys happy? :-)

I'm pretty excited for this chapter, because you see Griffin's view a bit more. Plus, I'm hoping this leads to more drama in the next chapter. :-)

Alright, so I'm just asking you to vote, fan, and comment for this wonderful chapter!

Thank you! :-)


-Chapter 4-

-Griffin’s POV-

            “I mean, did you notice how he drifted into space all this past week?” Amber asked Ben and Daniel.

            “Totally.” They replied in unison, which wasn’t that abnormal for them. They had been going on and on about Levi for at least an hour, and I was beginning to feel irritated.

It was only around 10 a ’clock in the morning, and as we sat in the kitchen- Levi never came out of his room. Irene- who finally returned from her business trip- told us that he has had a rough few weeks and he was just resting. But it still worried me; I hated the feeling of being away from him for so long. But as if he could hear my internal worries, I looked up at the sound of feet pounding against the stairs. As our eyes met, he gave me a small smile with those sad eyes of his, then looked down and made his way to sit at the table.

            “Good morning, Levi. How would you like some breakfast, dear?” Asked Irene, very chipper.

            Levi gave her a polite smile, but simple said, “No thank you.”

            Irene gave a short nod, then nudged Amber as she walked by. Amber frowned slightly, and looked at Levi.

            “Levi, would you like to come to La Push with the guys and I?” Amber asked, seeming to be forced to do so.

Levi, looking hesitant, finally decided to say, “No thank you.”

I turned to him quickly and gave him a wide smile. “Come on, it’ll be fun.”

            Levi looked at me, as well as everyone else in the room. Amber, seemed to be slightly irritated, while the others looked surprised.

            “Fine.” Said Levi, still seeming hesitant.

            “Good,” I began, “glad that you’re going. The others are going to head out in Chase’s car and I’m going to take you. So get ready.”

            I felt Amber’s eye burning into the back of my skull as I just kept smiling at Levi.

            Levi simply just nodded, then went upstairs and into his room.

            “Come on.” Said Quentin, causing for all of them to get up- leaving me at the table alone. Amber shot me one last glance as Chase guided her to the car. I simply just smiled as if I hadn’t just enraged her.


“So, want to tell me about yourself?” I asked Levi, driving alone the road, trying to break the silence of this whole car ride. But Levi just simply looked at me for a brief second, then looked back out the window.

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