Happiness - Chapter 17

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So sorry for the long wait, and thank you to all of you who still want to read the new chapters. I don't expect you to, seeing as I seem to never write, but it's kind all the same.

Also, just wanting to say I wrote the beginning of this chapter a long time ago and I'm not sure if it's completely consistent but do with it what you will.

Happy reading!

-Chapter 17-

-Levi's POV-

"What?" Griffin asked, staring at me in utter shock. "But... she's dead. You said so yourself, Levi!"

"They couldn't find her body... They assumed that the wolves had just eaten it, but seeing her now..." I said, my eyes staring into the reflection of my very own, 'it's really you, huh, Fi?"

"Yeah," she said, choking up slightly as she smiled at me through her tears, "something scared them away before they could finish me off- and I guess it was enough to change me. So, I've been running around constantly, and one day I came back and found your scent. I followed it all the way here. Though, I thought that they were holding you captive when I smelled a wolf scent- I thought that these wolves were the ones who had mauled me and mom who were now targeting you."

"Do you know why- if there's a reason at all- that the rival pack would be targeting your family?" Chase intervened, staring in curiosity at my sister.

Fiona thought for a moment, but then slowly shook her head.

John, holding onto one of the shed's walls for support, looked pale and weak. "I can't take all this." He said, exhaling and inhaling quickly.

"Still melodramatic, are we John?" Fiona teased, with her trademark smirk spread across her face.

"You've risen from the dead, Fiona. Even I don't know if I should holding a parade or performing some sort of religious ritual to protect myself. And apparently everyone here is a freaking werewolf." Meredith commented, showing more fear than she would ever let on in any other circumstance.

"Well, let's all rest ourselves then. We'll deal with her in the morning." Griffin declared, giving everyone the signal to leave the shed and return to the house.

Fiona slowly started to get up, winching as her face shown with pain. I quickly leaped forward, steadying her with my grip on her small, fragile arm. She let out a low breathe, and smiled weakly with appreciation to me.

"No, you're staying here." Griffin commanded, waiting for the young wolf to sit for her master.

"What? No, Griffin-"

"Levi, I'm not risking everyone's safety for this wolf. She's been changed by the rival pack, and if that wasn't enough simply- then she technically falls into their property. It's dangerous." Griffin snarled, his voice low. I almost couldn't tell if he was in his human form or not.

"She's my sister!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"NO." Griffin growled, his canines gleaming with his now flaming amber eyes.

"She'll stay with me- in my room." I said, helping her slide past him, leaving him no room to grant permission or not. Her arm lay limp over my shoulders as I worked her slowly up the porch stairs and into the house all the way to my room, passing all the stares from the rest of the pack and our old friends. I closed the door promptly behind us, and then helped her to lie down on my bed; two pillows behind her head and the quilt tucked at her sides after I slid off her boots.

She struggled slightly trying to sit up, as she leaned forward to look up at him.

"No, sit still." I insisted.

"Can I have a hug?" She asked meekly, looking up at me with her fawn eyes with a soft smile. I laughed gently, but nodded and gave her a light, lingering squeeze.

"I'm not that fragile, Levi." She teased.

"I'm just afraid if I squeeze too hard you'll vanish into thin air again." I said with a soft chuckle, but she could sense the truth in it.

She pulled away and looked me straight in the eye. "Levi, I promised I wouldn't ever leave you and I don't plan on ever breaking that. I'm really here. For good."

I could feel tears welling in my eyes, so I hid them by pulling her into a tight embrace. "Why aren't you the older, supportive sibling?"

"Well, I probably should be since I know exactly what you need is a good girl..." she paused after witnessing Levi's evil glare at the joke, "I mean- friend talk. So let's stay up all night talking like we use to."

I chuckled, then lay back on the bed, both of us lying on our backs side by side staring up at the white ceiling like we use to during our deep conversations. "Alright... begin the interrogation."

"Okay... So what happened to Joey?" She asked eagerly, her eyes bright with curiosity.

"Well... we fought about me leaving right before I left because of all that tension I described to you about other guys flirting with him. I was insecure, but he didn't realize that till later I imagine. But a few weeks after I came here he, Meredith, and John all came to visit. They stayed for a long time seeing how I wasn't really fitting in here and took classes online, but Joey left not too long ago because his family needed him."

"So... was there a rekindled romance?"

"No, there wasn't." I stated simply, but Fiona saw through me.

"Is there... someone else?" She spun quickly to face me, her face full of excitement.

"Yes, there is someone... Well, there was someone." I said softly, giving a weak grin with a half-hearted scoff.

"What happened? Did he cheat or something?" She said, looking suddenly very angry and protective.

"No... Well... Not on me. He cheated on his girlfriend with me." I felt this heavy weight of guilt in my gut, even if I did hate Amber. Fiona kept her gaze steady on me, as if waiting for an explanation or extension to the story.

"It was Griffin- the one who I fought with before bringing you up here."

"The Alpha." Fiona simply stated, waiting for more.

"Yeah, the Alpha I guess," I paused briefly to consider this new werewolf thing but moved on, "I came here to live with the girlfriend, Amber, and her mother Irene because Irene was mom's best friend and my godmother. But I saw him and... I was attracted to him, I guess... But I didn't think anything would become of it. I still was hung up on Joey, but..."

Fiona looked at me, puzzled. "So... you don't know?"

"Know what?"

Fiona glanced away, blatantly ignoring a sensitive subject. "It would be best if you asked Griffin."

My brow furrowed we exchanged a few more silent moments before gently nodding, "Alright."

Fiona turned back towards me and smiled, the energy returning to her eyes. "Okay, what did Meredith do to her hair?"

We quickly began laughing and chatting aimlessly like old times, and for a minute I couldn't remember anything but the happiness I thought I had lost forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2016 ⏰

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