Moving Day: Ch. 1

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Hey guys!

Sorry it took so long! :-(

But I finished the chapter! :-)

So, it's kinda exciting but the next chapter will be better...

Or in other words...

EPIC. :-)

So please remember to vote, comment, and fan!

Thank you! :-)



-Chapter 1-

Here I am; sitting here in the small station wagon my godmother, Irene, owned as we drove to her hometown. It was very close to my mother's hometown, Forks, Washington, but Irene lived on a Indian reservation with her daughter who happened to be my age.

"I just know you and Amber will just get along great. She's truly a wonderful girl, and I'm not just saying that because I'm her mother." Gushed Irene, a proud smile spreading across her face.

I just gave her a polite nod.

"I'm sure we will." I confirmed, though not really convinced. I never trusted people easily.

Irene gave me a knowing smile. I suppose she wasn't surprised by my untrusting quality. But with my background... Who wouldn't be?

"Well, she has this really wonderful boyfriend maybe you can be friends with." Irene said, trying spark up a conversation.

I just gave her another simple nod, nothing more, nothing less.

"He could have a friend at school who might take interest in you..." She started, her voice trailing off.

"Does my sexuality make you uncomfortable?" I asked, turning this one time to make eye contact with her. I had alway been told I was straight forward.

Irene shook her head with a chuckle.

"Oh goodness no. It's great to have some diversity in this small reservation."

To this I cracked a small smile because when diversity was said, I immediately thought of Fiona. She has been beautiful and popular yes, but she had a heart and acted upon her good nature like no other. She had always made people look at her twice, not for just her looks.

I of course didn't say anything of this to Irene, because she seemed to be a nice woman but again I must remind you I'm not trusting.

But before I knew it, the gravel road soon turned into pavement as we pulled into the town of Forks. As we drove throughout the small town, I felt people stare at me. As I turned out to face my window so I could give them a intimidating glare I noticed most were my age. They started at me questionably, making me realize they most likely stared at me because they never had new kids. But they most have noticed Irene, so that could rise questions too.

But before I could ponder on it too long, we were pulling into a rural environment right outside of Forks, that had a sign labeling it, "Forks Indian Reservation". I watched as young children played in their front yards, when we soon left the small center of town and reached small log cabins with lots if land surrounding them.

We pulled up to a house with a gorgeous girl was laughing wildly on the small front porch, sitting on the old wooden railing as a bunch if boys tossed a ball back and forth. They all looked so happy; just the sight made me envious. Now a days I seemed to be immune to bliss.

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