Breakfast of Interest: Ch. 3

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In this chapter you learn a little more about who Levi really is- well, mostly a little more about his relationship with his father.

To warn you in advance- my writing style might have matured a little bit.

Sorry I have uploaded lately- but I plan on uploading quite frequently now. School and other things keep me from writing- which is really terrible... :-(

But, I'm glad I get to upload tonight. It's reallly late where I live though- so appreciate this chapter when I'm tired all day at school tomorrow because I love my fans so much! :-)


-Chapter 3-


I made my way down the stairs- each footstep pounding onto the stairs as if in sync with the very pounding in my head.

To say the least- I was in a rare form. My hair was tousled, as if I had care in the world- and the bags under my eyes were the marks of a restless night. I looked as if I had aged centuries, when in reality I had not aged physically- but emotionally. The frivolous life of a teenager seemed to have faded from my life ever since I had begun to carry the burden of my depression. Ever wrinkle, ever dull look I had- all proof of how mourning for lost loved ones drains you. The past- when I seemed happy enough- all seemed as if it had been a mirage.

I reached the small table in the corner kitchen; nicely tucked away from the madness of the rest house. Being alone for a few seconds was the perfect time to collect my thoughts- so I sat down in one of the cold wooden chairs and began to reflect on the previous night’s events.

My thoughts began to trace back to the familiar eyes that belonged to my savior wolf; the dark hue that was speckled a golden color. My mind began to work, and I felt as if I almost reached a conclusion of where I had seen those eyes before- but the front door burst open my thoughts were lost as laughter began to infect them. As the laughter drew near, I looked up to see the familiar gang who was here yesterday; Amber, Chase, Ben, Daniel, Quentin, and the handsome Griffin. 

Amber, looking flustered with her eyes wide and her cheeks flushed, spotted me immediately- as I spotted Griffin’s hand in hers immediately. I kept calm, my eyes politely meeting hers.

“Eli, your finally-“ She began, but I cut her off quickly.

“Levi.” I snapped, her lack of memory irritating me.

“Levi,” Her new found spiteful tone sounding, “We we’re just going to eat, care to join us?” She hissed this through her teeth with her eyes narrowed at me. 

Griffin and his friends seemed uncomfortable, now of their eyes meeting mine.

“Might as well.” I replied, my tone bored and as dull as my tired eyes.

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