The Un-Welcome Party: Chapter 15

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Hey, guys!

I hope you all like the chapter!

Keep in mind for those who are hesitant to continue because they are afraid I will finish the book with a awful ending, I NEVER WRITE SAD ENDINGS. Every character will be happy in the end... Which is me trying to subtle suggest that there will be a happy ending for not only the two couples- Levi/Griffin and Chase/Meredith- but for Eboni, too. The poor confused girl... (Spoiler Alert)

So please remember to vote, comment, and follow me as a writer! I love all the support and I'm going to try to reply to every comment from now on.

P.S I'm going to try and upload more frequently. I'm also considering rewriting When Dreams and Reality Meet because I have a better vision for it. What do the readers of that story think? And I also am planning on finishing Healing a Heart with Love very soon!

Sorry about the switch in tenses! I can never decided what tense I want to go with. :-(



-Chapter 15-

"Which color do you like best, the red or the blue?" I ask Chase, who was looking curiously around in the balloon section of the party store, while I hold up two different colors of the same streamer roll.

"What?" He asks as he glances over his shoulder at me, dragging his attention away from a multicolored balloon with the word "welcome" printed on it. "It doesn't really matter. Do think we actually need streamer?"

"Yes! I don't want this party to look like an excuse for us to buy a bunch of beer and get wasted." I snap, but I can't help but laugh at Chase's goofy expression after when he mocks a puppy dog face.

He always appears to be cold and serious, but people have to know how Chase ticks in order to actually understand him- and maybe they'll get the privilege to see his rare goofy and light-hearted side. I also note to myself how I wish he was my imprint as I watch him bend down and pick up some confetti in a bag and examine it. I take in every bit of his beautiful, fit body and I find myself admiring his shiny, messy hair. He chuckles at what I guess is a pun on the packaging, looking over at me with his stunning smile and I connect my eyes with his exotic hazel ones. He is responsible and polite- more of a follower then a leader, but it is understandable due to his position as the pack's beta. He is a good man, a respectable and amiable man. He's going take good care of the woman he imprints on, and I hope she'll do the same for him.



"Do you every wonder what life will be like for the pack when we're all...settled?" I ask hesitantly, before I cautiously glimpse at him.

"You mean when we have all imprinted?" He questions stiffly.

I now fully turn my head towards him, and when I catch his eye, I give him a short nod.

"No, I don't." He says casually and then turns away from me before I can tell exactly what reaction he had due to my question. "Come on, we need to grab this stuff and go. We need to have the house ready by six."

I furrow my brow in confusion, but then nod and silently grab the supplies before heading towards the cash register. I watch him as the pretty girl, who is bluntly flirting with him, checks us out. He seems to have no reciprocation to her affection, and I grab our shopping bags and walk out of the store with him as I come to the resolution that he must have already imprinted on some girl. A few months ago, Chase may have been slightly oblivious to the flirting- but would have paid more attention to the girl. I start to narrow done who it could be, but I can't come to a conclusion. But it comes to my attention that Chase has always been slow with relationships. He can wait months without making a move on a girl he is attracted to. There have even been some instances when he acts like he wants a different girl than the one he actually wants. It could be any girl he knows, not just a recently met one. I am really the only girl Chase has stuck around with since childhood though, so it narrows down my options.

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