The Alpha's Confession: Chapter 6

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Hey guys!

So I'm uploading again. :-)

I feel like this chapter is much longer and I've got loads of new ideas for this story, so it will turn out interesting. :-)

It is possible you will see more than Griffin and Levi's point of views in the following chapters, just because I want to shake it up a bit.

So, please remember to vote, fan, and comment...

But first, read! :-)

(Picture of Eboni to the side.)


-Chapter 6-


                “Are you ready?” Asked Griffin, looking over at me while we remained in his rental car for a few seconds after we parked in the parking lot of our very own high school- and lucky for me, my very own new high school.

                I worked up a confident smile, and nodded at him. “Yeah, I am.”

                Griffin and I got out of the car and made our way towards the school, side by side. Everybody was staring at he and I, either because I was new and interesting, or they were wondering why Griffin was riding with Amber.

                Considering the fact they were still in a fight, Amber had chosen to ride with one of her girlfriends this morning. Griffin didn’t seem to mind, which I think hurt Amber- but I was quite giddy. So, I turned my head to look for Amber in the large crowd, but there was no sight of her.

                “You okay?” Asked Griffin, his brow furrowed in concern.

                I just chuckled, simply shrugging off his admittedly attractive expression, and said, “I’m fine, you don’t have to worry.”

                Griffin smiled softly. “You’re in a better mood than I thought you’d be in today.” He stated.

                “It feels great to be doing something.” I said simply.

                Griffin and I walked into the school, and began to make our way to my first class- which we shared.

                “What your next class?” Griffin asked me casually.

                “I have Photography next.” I said shyly, blushing slightly.

                Griffin smiled. “Oh, yeah. Irene mentioned what a skilled photographer you are.”

                “I don’t know if I’m that great.” I said modestly.

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