Important Author's Note (Please Read)

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Hello. I hate to tease you, but as you can see, this is not a story update.

I'm just here to tell you my latest thoughts- because I need to know what the readers think before I make a decision on the future of this story. I'll try to make this quick.

I'm really considering rewriting Alpha's Imprint. My original plan was to finish the story as is in order to edit it when finished, but I struggle to find the ability to do even that. I sincerely love the plot and characters, but I really regret writing some of the parts in. The story seems very dense and poorly written when I look back at it- which makes me really sad because I see a lot of potential in it if I could just edit it before I take it any further.

If I were to take on this plan of editing it before the finish, the characters would remain the same and so would the pairings. Levi's family situation will remain the same, there would still be wolves, etc.. Though I have already noted to change some things- like casting. There could be added characters and love interests. Even longer chapters are possible!

Please share with me any thoughts you have on this topic by either private messaging me, posting on my page's message board, or simply commenting below. I will take every opinion into deep consider, and will appreciate every one of them. Also, feel free to ask anyone questions regarding the changes to the story if I were to proceed with this plan.

I love this story more than you can imagine. That's why I can't let it end without feeling like it's my best work.

Thank you for your time.


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