Unexpected Visit: Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to The Fans :-)

Hey guys! I'm glad to be uploading again!

So in this chapter, you will be meeting some new characters. :-)

So please vote, comment, and fan!

Not to sound ungrateful... But last chapter there was a lack of comments and votes compared to other chapters. So thank you to those who comment and vote often.

So.... it's time to read. :-)

Hope you enjoy!

P.S Meredith to the side.


-Chapter 7-


We had spent two days taking pictures of Griffin's group of friends. Eboni told me that she considered them her family, but for the sake of actually labels, we decided that we would change our topic to friends. So, now that we were finished with their shoot, Eboni and I were sitting on the couch in their living room trying to pick and choose the ones we liked best.

"I like these of Chase and Ben. Ben shows the fun in their personalities, were as Chase shows the serious side." I commented, and Eboni quickly agreed and began to sort out pictures she liked.

"Why don't we go back to your house and get some pictures of your friends back in New York City?" Eboni asked.

"We'll go to Irene's house and get them." I agreed, subtly correcting her. There was no way that house, or this town, was ever going to be my home.

So we got in her car, taking the pictures with us, and made our way over to the Crayne's house. When we pulled up it was no surprise to see Griffin and his friends playing football in the front yard while Amber watched happily. It was if it was the first day I arrived all over again- Griffin and Amber's love was warm and the weather the same, but my welcome was not.

I hesitantly got out of the car when Eboni parked. She followed and we made our way into the house, giving her friends quick greetings. We went up to my room, and I began to look through one of the boxes- out of many on the floor- and searched for my photo albums.

"Wow... doesn't seem as if you've settled in." Eboni noted, scanning the room with her eyes until they returned to me.

"I'll never settle in." I said simply, stating the truth. To this she remained quiet, and I finally found many of the albums.

"Well, let's take these outside." Eboni said, and without waiting for my response, took them from me and marched back downstairs and outside.

I sighed, but followed her. Once I was outside, I made my way to sit next to her on the porch. But before we had even cracked open one of my fond photo albums, we noticed the group's constant chatter ceased. We looked up and saw a limo familiar to me pulling up on the gravel road to the house.

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