Chapter 11: Too Little

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Hey guys! I told you I would update. :-)

So, for the long wait for this chapter, I will not have a long list of things I want to say.


1,) I was thinking of beginning a little thing on here where I talk about the books I've read and answer some of the book dicussion questions or something about it. I don't know, it may be fun.

2.) I may rewrite both my other stories, and if you want to share you opinion- message me, post on my board, or comment below!

3.) There are a lot of things coming up in this book and I'm super excited. :-))

So read on my friends, and please remember to vote, comment, and fan. :-)


-Chapter 11-

-Alpha’s Imprint-


                Everyone woke up and made a mad dash downstairs and into the kitchen, where Irene had prepared almost all of breakfast already. After a few offered to help Irene, she just sat us down and started to serve us; a morning routine. As Griffin took his seat next to me, his knee pressed against mine and he shot me a beautifully crooked smile. It was all I could do to smile back, fading to the sound of clinking dishes and toaster pops.

                But our moment was tarnished by the shrill voice of Amber as she ranted about the fat in all food her mother had made. “I mean, I’m not even sure how you can still eat this, Ben. And you, Meredith, think of the empty calories in your coffee!”

                Meredith just turned to Amber with an exhausted look in her dark, lined eyes. “It’s only 9 a ’clock and this has already started…” She complained, rolling her eyes and turned back to the coffee machine, nonchalantly working the machine like a pro.

                Quentin smirked at Meredith, chuckling softly. “You know, Mere, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not drink coffee in the morning.” His eyes met hers, and I could almost sense his attraction to her.

                Meredith just turned around, luring him with her taunting eyes and sly smirk behind her red lips, and reached up to open a cabinet to grab a coffee mug; allowing her shirt to ride up and slightly reveal her slender figure with a gleaming bellybutton ring. “It’s all I really need… in the morning, at least.” She said, letting her tongue run across her top lip as she sent us a quick glance as she went through the cabinet. She closed the cabinet and let her shirt fall back in place as she began to fool with the coffee machine, having us watch her and captivate us. But only did I realize I had seen the act before when she gave the coffee machine one last glance as it started to make her coffee and headed back to the table, not saying another word or acting as anything had happened. I laughed softly, smiling at my friend as she returned with a smirk hidden behind her coffee mug. Meredith had always been the confident, outspoken flirt of our group.

                “And what do you need in the afternoon or evening?” Chase said, captivating all our attention. There was almost a challenge in his voice, and he had never really spoken at the table before. He stared intently at her and she slowly met his gaze, her eyes seeming curious as she searched his.

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