𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

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ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

Next morning. Taehyung was lying next to Y/N. Y/N was sleeping at the same place where Taehyung left.

Taehyung woke up with a throbbing headache. His mind flashed back to everything that happened yesterday. He felt happy for the sin he committed, rather than guilty. Then he looked at her sleeping figure and smirked. He still wants to cause her pain. Ruin her.

Once again, he spread her legs. Poor Y/N didn't know that she would have to go through the worst pain again, just like she felt yesterday.

Soon, he entered her. That's when she woke up with wide eyes. Tears spread across her face due to the pain. Without giving her time to adjust, he started to move roughly inside her with animalistic speed.

She just wants to get away from here. She just wants to die. She never thought her married life would be this painful.

Taehyung was thrusting forcefully, fueling her with nothing but hatred. Soon, she tightened around him and climaxed onto his crotch. She tightly bit her lips to stifle a moan. Not in pleasure, but in pain.

Soon, Taehyung also cummed over her belly after withdrawing his penis. Then he sat down next to her.

He saw her already unconscious. Then he hit her, causing her to fall to the ground with a loud thud. She just regained consciousness. And then he sat up straight and said.

"I only give you 1 hour to get ready and make breakfast."

"Time is ticking away, tick tock tick tock."

He just went out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

While Y/N was just sitting on the floor, crying.

Struggling against the pain that engulfed every part of her body, Y/N contemplated the unbearable torment she endured. The desire for escape, even through the darkest means, lingered in her thoughts.

Her legs felt unresponsive, and the simple act of standing seemed like an insurmountable challenge. In the midst of her anguish, a silent plea to a higher power echoed in her mind, yearning for release from the hell she found herself in.

Summoning all her strength, Y/N grasped the edge of a sturdy cupboard for support. With immense effort, she managed to rise, her body rebelling against the very notion of movement. Slowly, she embarked on a painstaking journey towards the bathroom, each step sending waves of agony through her battered form.

Upon entering the bathroom, Y/N confronted her own reflection in the mirror. The ghastly sight that met her eyes provoked a shiver. Her body, a canvas of black, purple, and red marks, seemed like a grotesque portrayal of a horror movie ghost. The morbid thought that even those who once pitied her would now recoil in fear played on her tortured mind, prompting a maniacal giggle to escape her lips.

Enduring the excruciating pain, she completed her shower, leaving only her back wounds untouched. Wrapping herself in an oversized garment that provided a semblance of comfort, Y/N glanced at the clock in dismay, realizing time was slipping away.

With just 30 minutes remaining, she descended the stairs slowly, her body still sore and frail. Determined to fulfill her role, she entered the kitchen and prepared glass noodles, a dish that used to bring her joy. Hope lingered that Taehyung might appreciate the effort, sparing her from further abuse.

As the footsteps of Taehyung approached, Y/N hurriedly set the table, laying out the dishes in an attempt to appease the unpredictable storm that was her husband. The clinking of utensils and the muted anticipation of what lay ahead echoed in the air as she braced herself for another encounter with the man who had become her tormentor.

After finishing his meal with the help of chopsticks, Taehyung summoned Y/N, who approached him in a submissive manner, bowing as if he were a king.

"Yes, master, did you call me?" she asked, her tone respectful.

Taehyung, with a wicked grin, handed her some pills. Y/N, puzzled, inquired about their purpose. He callously replied, "These are pregnancy prevention pills. Take them now in front of my eyes. I won't tolerate the sight of you carrying my child. Who would want a child in a slut's womb, after all?" His laughter resonated with cruelty as she reluctantly swallowed the pills.

Leaving her with a demeaning comment, Taehyung departed, slamming the door behind him. Y/N, left alone, felt broken by his hurtful words. She hated hearing derogatory remarks about herself.

Despite the emotional toll, she gathered the strength to begin her chores, weakly maneuvering through the mansion. The daunting tasks awaited her, and she couldn't escape the harsh reality of her life with Taehyung.

With each dust particle she cleaned, the insults replayed in her mind. Yet, in the midst of her struggles, a glimmer of hope lingered. She clung to the belief that her beloved Jungkook, her 'kookie,' would one day rescue her from the torment inflicted by Taehyung. It was this hope that fueled her determination to endure the hardships and await a day of liberation.

'Meanwhile, at Taehyung's office'

ᴛᴀᴇʜʏᴜɴɢ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

While engrossed in my laptop, the door swung open without warning, revealing the last person I wanted to encounter.

"Hey, Taehyung, long time no see," he greeted, settling in front of me. "I heard you got married. Is it Irene noona or someone else?" His incessant questions irritated me, but beneath that annoyance lingered a sense of enduring friendship from our childhood.

"Yes, I did get married, but not to Irene," I replied, my irritation growing as Y/N's memory flooded my mind. The mere thought of Irene underscored the twist of fate that led me to Y/N instead.

"Oh, I see," he responded, seemingly picking up on the tension. His words carried an air of understanding, perhaps sensing the complexity of my emotions.

Despite the frustration, there was an underlying appreciation for the friend sitting before me. Annoying as he could be, he remained a connection to my past, a past that now seemed overshadowed by the unforeseen turns life had taken.

"So why did you came dear annoying Jeon"

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◦•●◉✿ 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃 ✿◉●•◦

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