Going shopping

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"Come on kids, let's go inside"

He opens the door and anya goes "my house?"

"That's right"

This is a really posh place we've got here daddy loido

Anya points out "Tv!!"

"You can turn it on if you'd like"

Loid says while sitting down on the couch

"(name) come sit next to me"

"I'll be going out to get daily necessities like groceries and stuff So do you need anything?"

When Anya hears this she gets so hyped up

"An adventure?"

Oof this child

"It's not an adventure I'm just going shopping"

"Erm Can I come along with you I need to get some personal hygiene products and I'm really hungry" and on cue, my stomach started grumbling god this is so embarrassing

"Fine you both can come with me"

When we reach the market it is bustling with people street vendors shouting to buy things

When we reach the market it is bustling with people street vendors shouting to buy things

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"I wanna silenced pistol"

"If there's one for sale"

Loid having a monologue lmao The essence of a spy is to be completely "ordinary", to not stand out even in the slightest

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Loid having a monologue lmao
The essence of a spy is to be completely "ordinary", to not stand out even in the slightest

I must be indistinguishable from your average father

While daddy loid was having his inner monologue

Anya the crackhead was skipping around and just standing out

"Good grief why is she standing out so much"

"Anya cmon hold my hand," I say sternly to Anya What if she gets kidnapped this kid ugh

Anya when she hears me runs away and hides under a street vendor's table

I can see that loid is confused as hell

He's probably thinking like "what is this creature?"

loid was going crazy he doesn't understand Anya's actions

(name) doesn't give him any difficulty whereas this child just keeps giving him problems

This is diplomacy! The first step to world peace is to understand the other party
This is bad I need to stay on good terms with both of them until the mission is complete
I need to understand both of them

Anya hears Loid's thoughts

And is shocked
And thinks " knowing about me is for world peace???"

She stands up from her hiding place and abruptly starts speaking

"I like peanuts!"
"I hate carrots"

Hm...what? Anya you don't just abruptly start saying things lolol

what? Anya you don't just abruptly start saying things lolol

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Hey besties
Hope you liked it
Have a great day

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