settled in

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I fumble with my key and after 2 tries I finally open the door

I look back at Demetrius "shall we head in?" He nods "yes we shall"

We walked into the dorm room that looks more like a freaking penthouse omg wth

This is the 80s-90s era so the decor looks like this
You can imagine it to look like whatever you want

This is the 80s-90s era so the decor looks like thisYou can imagine it to look like whatever you want

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The living room looks so pretty and minimalistic

Then I tour the entire place

The bedroom is so spacious I love it

The bedroom is so spacious I love it

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The kitchen

And the bathroom you can imagine it to look like whatever you want this is just the basic idea

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And the bathroom you can imagine it to look like whatever you want this is just the basic idea

And the bathroom you can imagine it to look like whatever you want this is just the basic idea

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I was so immersed with my surroundings when I heard a deep chuckle I got startled so bad I place a hand on my chest "fuck you scared me" I said to Demetrius "don't mind me darling I'm just a silent observer" you creep- no but the way he looks at m...

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I was so immersed with my surroundings when I heard a deep chuckle I got startled so bad I place a hand on my chest "fuck you scared me" I said to Demetrius "don't mind me darling I'm just a silent observer" you creep- no but the way he looks at me I will actually melt away

"Stawppp Demi" "Okayyy now help me unpack my stuff please then if you're free let's go grocery shopping? I'll make you something then pleaseee demii" "sure sweetheart I'm free today I'd love to help you out and eat food made by you" he winks at me

"You-" I go on to say something but I stop

I sigh "let's just go"

He helps me unpack all my stuff and place all of them neatly

After like 10 minutes or so
We're done
"Thank you so much Demi" I give him a side hug he definitely wasn't expecting this and the tip of his ears turn red he looks away

"Demi are- you blushing?" I tease him
"No I'm not," he says trying to sound normal but his voice turned a bit high pitched awww this adorable kid

"Let's just go (name)"
"(Name)?? Where did those nicknames like darling or sweetheart go huh??"
I huffed trying to act mad "Sweetheart-"
"Yeah yeah let's just go"

I speed walk to the door and I hear Demetrius calling me "darling wait-" "yeah?" "I need to get something from my dorm room" "oh okay" "would you like to come in?" He asks me "sure!" He opens the door and his room looks grander omg he sits me down on the couch "just wait here for a minute darling"

he goes to another room while I'm waiting for him I hear a door open so I look up only to see a boy oh it is carter he is shirtless and has bed hair he looks like he's having a hangover

"Heyy (name) was it? How are you?"
"Hi carter I'm good and how are you"
"I'm great just hungover haha"

while we were having a conversation I hear Demetrius's voice "carter you punk where are you?"
"Tch I'm in the living room with (name)"

He comes in the living room with an angry look on his face omg why does he look so hot when he's angry my favorite little 🚩

"You punk what did you do"
"Nothing," he says looking like an angel an epitome of innocence

"You punk what did you do""Nothing," he says looking like an angel an epitome of innocence

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Waffles anyone??

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Waffles anyone??

Anywayss have a great dayy!

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