visiting a bakery

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I see a bakery in front of me and I hear a grumbling voice from my stomach

I see a bakery in front of me and I hear a grumbling voice from my stomach

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Oh god I'm hungry I need food

Dad, can we go to the bakery?

"Sure (name)"

"Back-carry I wanna be carried"
anya you dummy it's not back carry it's bakery

"Back-carry I wanna be carried"anya you dummy it's not back carry it's bakery

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Loid crouches down to anyas height "anya that's not what bakery means"

Is she actually stupid? Was I fooled by the crossword puzzle? There's still time I can just take her back I still have (name) with me

Is she actually stupid? Was I fooled by the crossword puzzle? There's still time I can just take her back I still have (name) with me

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After hearing loids thoughts anya starts bawling her eyes out

"Nooooo!! Don't throw me away!"

Both Loid and (Name) are so confused

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Both Loid and (Name) are so confused

"What is wrong with you" loid asks anya
"What's gotten into you all of a sudden anya?" I shush anya and pat her head

"What a cruel father" people started looking at us my god Anya stop creating a scene
I look at loid and motion towards a bag of peanuts "get it" loid understands what I am saying him being a spy and all and quickly buys the peanuts and shows it to anya

"Look peanuts! Now stop crying"
"Yes anya eat your peanuts and stop crying"
She stops crying once she looks at the packet of peanuts

"I'm sleepy, pa can't walk carry me"

He picks up Anya that falls asleep on his shoulder

"Dad can we now finally go to the bakery I'm hungry"

"Of course, you can kiddo"

He hands me some money

"Go get anything you want and buy donuts for me we will be waiting out here for you"

"I'll be back in a minute dad"

I go inside the bakery and I'm hit by the aroma of baked goods
Am I in heaven? God everything looks so good

I go inside the bakery and I'm hit by the aroma of baked goods Am I in heaven? God everything looks so good

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I look at the display shelf ahhhh everything looks so damn good

I'm going to get cinnamon rolls they look so tasty and I have to get donuts for Loid

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I'm going to get cinnamon rolls they look so tasty and I have to get donuts for Loid

I go up to the cashier
"hello sir can I please get 6 cinnamon rolls and 6 donuts"

"Sure! That will be 1 dalc"

I count the money I got from loid and hand it to the cashier

"Here you go, sir!"

He packs up my order god it looks delicious
And hands it to me

"Thank you!"

"Thank you for visiting! Please come again"

I leave the bakery and see loid patiently waiting for me with Anya sleeping on His shoulder bahaha they truly look like a father-daughter duo

"Dad! I got you donuts"
"Oh that's great Thank you (name)"
"No problemo dad"

"Dad! I got you donuts""Oh that's great Thank you (name)""No problemo dad"

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Thank you for reading
Have a great day

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