interview 2.0

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"The reason is simple, The teachers in the Eden academy are the most qualified in the country. As you all know my daughter (name), she is a prodigy and all the schools gave up on her they couldn't handle a child like her and the same is with my younger daughter" he pauses and glances at anya

he gives her a small smile

"I want to provide my daughters with the best education possible. I also admire Eden's patriotic ideals and how they embody the spirit of the elite. when it comes to providing an all-
around, yet in-depth, education, I can think of no one better than the proud teachers of Eden academy."

"I'd like you to tell us her strengths and

"I'd say her weakness is that she ends up sticking her nose into everything. sometimes it even shocks me how astute she is. it's almost like she's reading my mind! She is a smart and clever girl, she studies for an hour every day with her sister another weakness might be that her diet is a little unbalanced usually I'm busy and whenever (name) and myself are not there she just ends up eating unhealthy food"

"and how about you, ma'am?"
"as her mother, do you have any educational philosophies in mind?"

"as you know, I'm just her stepmother. so at first I wanted both the children to like me I might have spoiled anya a little but when I thought about her future, I tried to keep in mind that sometimes I need to be strict with her too."

"I see now, your husband just mentioned that she has a poor diet. and what about your other daughter, how do you treat her?"

she chuckles
"(Name) is a grown-up kid that loves being independent and doing her own things. I'm just happy by the fact that she accepted me."

"And what sort of cooking do you serve in your household?"

"Huh?! Cooking?"

Loid speaks up "actually usually it's me or it's (name) my daughter that does the cooking but of course, if I'm busy or if (name) doesn't want to cook then my wife will cook" he glances at yor

"Why would you make your daughter cook the food when there are adults in the house?"

"Ah you see my daughter loves cooking and she likes to eat her own food and she even wants to open a bakery one day who am I to stop her from following her ambition"

"That is great. Now moving on the next question is for your daughter"

Anya straightens her back she remembers her sister telling her what to say in the interview

'she will not fail her sister today.' Anya thinks with determination

"First of all could you tell us your name and address?"

"I'm Anya Forger! My address is Burlington parkway hundred twenty..eight!"

'Good Good' loid smirks

"And what do you do on the weekends?"

"Go to the museum or to the opera then go eat at a restaurant!" She says

(Name) coached her for this interview

"And what would you like to do once you get in our school?"

'...what was it again?'
"Ah to read a lot of books and undercover the secrets of the boss!"

"By boss do you mean the headmaster?"

Loid raises his hands and laughs nervously
"Ha ha please excuse her my daughter is a little ambitious she means that she wants to know how the headmaster runs the school and wants to know about his personality and lifestyle"

'Oho wanting to learn from her forefathers at that age? What an attitude!' The professor with the monocle thinks

"Then do you know the name of our esteemed headmaster little lady?" The professor asks

"Um..b-benedict ivan good-f-feller," she says while stumbling

"Okay let's change the topic what's your father's job?"
"A sp.."
"Aspecially good mind doctor a...psychiatrist!"
She says fixing her words she was just about to reveal loid's job

"And what sort of person is your new mother?"
"She's really nice but sometimes she's kinda crazy" she whispers in the last part
It makes yor flinch

"If you had to rate your family members, how many points would you give them?"

"Ma, pa, nee-chan are fun. I love them!"
"I wanna be with them forever!"
She says

Loid and yor are startled by this confession does she really love them that much

"You did a good job on the interview young lady" the lady Augusta says to anya and gives her a lollipop

"thank you, miss!" Anya says adorably with her cheeks puffed up

"Thank you for having us" loid bows

"we will call you up in the evening if you've passed the interview"

And they leave

They go to pick up (name) as it was time for her dispersal time. they walk up to the gates and see her standing there laughing with a bunch of kids.

Anya runs up to (name) "nee-chan!" She hugs (name's) knees

(Name) picks up Anya "hi baby how did your interview go?" "Very good!" Anya answers excitedly

"Anya these people are my friends" she introduces all of them to Anya and they all just adore her and Stephanie call me Steph starts cooing at her lmao

Finally, after 5 minutes of them standing there taking (name) and Anya wave them goodbye

They go up to where loid and yor are standing
"Hey guys! How did it go?" (Name) asks
"Oh It went great" yor says smiling awkwardly

After an iconic break🕺💃🏻🕺💃🏻

They get the call "congratulations your daughter has been accepted to the academy"

They get the call "congratulations your daughter has been accepted to the academy"

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Anya is in Eden academy now🎉

Have you guys watched the summer I turned pretty? if yes then what team are you?

#Team Jeremiah
#Team Conrad

Have a great dayy!

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