meeting silas

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I woke up completely disoriented with yesterday's shenanigans still on my mind

'is Demetrius actually interested in me? Or is it like something else' man I don't know

I rose from my bed and started to go get ready today I am going to go watch the guys practice and then just have dinner with the guys

I get dressed and drink a glass of cold water and leave the apartment

Now I don't know where the practice is taking place so I'll probably mindlessly roam around the academy until I find it

I was roaming around humming random ass tiktok songs without paying attention to my surroundings when I bumped into someone I look up to see silas- was it?

"Oh I'm sorry for bumping into you"
"It's fine (name) may I ask where you were going?" Silas asked

"Yeah um I was going to meet demi and Carter but I kind of don't know where they are?" I said to him while rubbing the back of my neck

"I can take you to the ground where they are practicing?" He asked
"I mean I wouldn't wanna disturb you? But if you're free then please?" I awkwardly said to him

"no don't worry I'm free I was just heading there so it's fine," he told me

"That's great thanks anyways how are you doing?" I exclaimed

"Yeah you're welcome I'm doing great and you?" He responded
"oh I'm doing good" I spoke

"so I heard that you moved into the dorms? How are you liking it here?"

"I love my dorm room it looks so cool and I love the vibe. Demi may god bless his soul without him I would be miserable right now he helped me out with unpacking and moving in. I love it here. it's so nice and fun. I needed a break from my family. Plus Carter and Demi have been keeping me company so I don't feel lonely it's nice to have friends you know I've never had proper friendships so it's just really nice but weird at the same time" I rambled out to Silas who was listening to me intently

"oh my gosh please excuse my ramblings I tend to do that a lot" I blushed embarrassed by my babbling

"No no it's fine I like listening to people" he patted my head

"You know you give me older brother vibes like I feel safe and comforted when I talk to you" "thank you- stay happy kid" he patted my head and left I could feel that he wanted to say more but stopped himself? Weird

I didn't even realize that we reached the bleachers. I looked around to see Carter and Demetrius sitting on the bench drinking water

I started walking towards them

"Hey guys good morninggg" I shouted sneaking up behind them

"Jesus fucking Christ what is wrong with you" Carter fake glared at me

"Nothing but the look on your face was worth it" I laughed 

I looked at Demetrius and started to get shy all of a sudden

this man looks at me with such adoration in his eyes that it makes me want to kill myself idk

"hii demi" "hi sweetheart" I stared at him he's so handsome and nice a sudden realization hit me I think I have a crush on him. Holy-

I was shaken out of my thoughts
"Sweetheart are you okay?" "Uh huh i am okay"

"Um well can we talk?" I asked him "About what?" He asked
"Last night" I muttered "yeah sure" he responded I looked around us "in private tho?" "Of course" he leads me to a secluded area

"Soooo um do you like me or was the kiss last night just you playing around?" I looked at him "Darling ever since I've met you I've liked you. my days always seem to get better when you're around and I just couldn't control myself last night"

"So you really like m-me?" I asked him getting all flustered 

"Sweetheart I'd be a fool not to" he winked at me

"Would you like to go on a date with me darling? Just give me a chance" he looked at me with puppy eyes that I thought only existed in novels and it just made me swoon

"Sure just let me know when and where" I beamed

A look of relief washed over him when I said that

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on his cheek "I like you too pretty boy"  I whispered in his ear

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on his cheek "I like you too pretty boy"  I whispered in his ear

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I finally finished my exams thank god so ig more consistent updates 🎉🥳

This chapter kind of sucked idk

Where would you wanna go on the first date with our demi?

Anyways have a great dayy!

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