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"Ah, A fresh start!" My mom says to us. We had finally put our last moving box away. No one in our family had telekinesis sadly so we had to manually move our boxes inside our home.
I noticed that we weren't the only family moving in this town either.

Another family had just moved in only a week after us. The family seemed normal, I noticed that their were two teenagers that seemed to be my age as well. I smiled to myself happy that I'm not the only teenager in this block.

The other family had moved in right across the street from us. I wanted to go introduce myself so badly, but my family is very hesitant. Ever since... our old town, my parents have had very serious trust issues.


I closed my locker and noticed my two neighbors, "I knew they were my age" I think to myself. I noticed the boy looking at me as I glanced over at them. "Was he looking at me this whole time?" I think to myself again, but shake off the thought. It didn't matter honestly. I walked away from my locker but I couldn't help but to ease drop in on their conversation.

Using my sound manipulation I was able to listen to their conversation while I passed by them.

( conversation)

"Amy you should learn to be a better person! And I think I know the perfect person!" The boy says to the girl, I didn't look where he was pointing because I was ease dropping but I assumed it was the person he was talking about.

I stopped listening after that because I felt bad. While I was ease dropping I had bumped into someone and I didn't even notice until I heard an "ow!" And a thump I look down to my feet and see my other neighbor. The girl who's grandma owns half the houses in this town. I quickly help her up.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going!" I said to her awkwardly, feeling very sorry for my actions. "Oh don'tworry about it! It was my fault. I assumed you would move. I'm Hartley!" She says to me while she puts her hand out for me to shake. "You look familiar.." she adds.

My eyes go wide as she says that and I stutter a little. "I... uh.. No! I don't." I say to her and she nods her head still. "No.. I do know you! You're my new neighbor! I remember seeing you earlier a few weeks ago. I stopped by to introduce myself several times but nobody ever answered." She says to me.

I exhale the air I didn't know I was holding. I finally shake her hand as well. "Oh Yes! I remember you! My name is Melody. Sorry about that, my family and I are always going out!" I say to her and stand back awkwardly.

"That's strange because I swear I saw the light turn off as soon as I knocked." She says and I shrug her off "I'm sure it was the uh.. ghost." I lie to her and she buys it.

She walks away from me and that's when I hear the girl talking to Hartley. Their conversation seemed to be going worse then ours!

I sigh again in relief  that I'm not the only awkward one. I literally just heard the girl gagging as she was talking to Hartley. Poor girl...

"So... do you always just stand still spaced out in thought?" My boy neighbor says to me, "wow is he cute.." I think to myself.

"I heard that." He says to me, and I immediately blush bright red. "I'm so sorry I said that.. I'm melody." I say to him awkwardly. He smiles at me and says "I'm Jake. It's nice to meet you." He says to me. I smile back and knew that I should go before I act more like a fool.

"I... have to go to class now. Bye!" I say to him going the opposite way he is facing. Hartley grabs my hand as I'm speed walking away. "Hey! Melody! You should come over with me to Amy's house! It would be fun! We can all be friends!" Hartley says to both of us. My face lights up and I nod my head while Amy's eyes are narrow and she's shaking her head No.

Hartley doesn't notice this but I did. I guess Amy had No choice anyways.


Hartley and I both meet up first before we got to Amy's house. Hartley tried knocking on my door, but I beat her to it. My family did not want me having friends over. So I just met her outside my house.

We then walked across the street to Amy's and Jakes house. We rang the door bell and Jake opened the door. Hartley was wearing her sunshine girls hat which I thought was super adorable. But Amy didn't seem amused.

As we walked inside their house it seemed kind of like my house as well. Which seemed interesting, it felt so... normal. Interesting!  "I got us sunshine girl hats!!" Hartley says to the both of us. I happily take it while Amy seemed very grumpy. "What's wrong sunshine?" I asked Amy and she just glared at me. "I look like the sun threw up on me" she snaps at me. I shrug at her and say sorry. She just rolls her eyes.

"I have to post this!" Jake says as he gets his phone out and takes a picture of all three of us. We all smile except Amy.

"Oh yay! Catching up with the supers is on!" Hartley says as she looked at her phone and saw the time. "Keeping up with the what ah?" Amy says.

I mentally gag but I guess I visibly gaged because Amy asks me "why did you just gag.." she seemed amused. She had a smirk on her face. I stutter a bit. Everyone was looking at me, and I freeze. "Uhh, because it's all fake. All the supers on that show are so fame washed. All they care about now is fame and ad revenue deals... superhero's used to be able saving the people and staying humble by rejecting all the gifts the locals would give you." I went on a whole spiel. They looked at me shocked and my eyes go wide because I realized what I just said. "Um- that's what I would assume is what is happening behind the scenes in this show. Anyways, look at the time I gotta go." I say as I pick up my things and shut the door and leave.


I returned home quickly. I had gotten a text from Hartley, she asked if I was okay. I didn't answer it, I was done for the day. My family looked at me worried though since I came back so soon.
"Is everything already sweetie? How was hanging out with norms?" My dad asks me. I smile at him and just say. "I'm.. going to my room. Goodnight!" I say quickly. "Goodnight? Honey it's only 4:30pm? Don't you have homework?" My mom asks, and I tell her. "Long day I did it already." She nods her head and lets me go upstairs finally.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them my parents were looking at me concerned. "Honey is everything okay? Your friends grandmother came over a few hours ago. She said that Hartley was missing." My mom and dad asked me.

My heart sunk in, she went missing? She seemed fine with Amy and Jake. What happened? I think to myself. "I- I don't know! Is she okay?" I asked them, they nod their head "she's okay now, right before we were going to investigate we saw that our neighbors had found her. So we just left it to them.

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