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( my own episode )

Foul language

"HEY! So how did meeting Jakes parents go?" Hartley asked me while wiggling her eyebrows. I silently look at her and her smile disappears. "Oh no Mel, what happened? Do I need to go beat him up?" She asks me very concerned. I giggle at what she said but shake my head. "No, it's okay. I just wish you and Amy told me that Jake used to be a fuckboy." I say to her sadly, "wait, Jake was a fuckboy?" She asks me confused.

I look at her confused as well, "uh, yeah? Didn't you know? I heard you and Amy in the bathroom talking about Jakes secret." I say to her and her face turns back to normal. "OH yeah, I forgot about that. Yeah he is, I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner. Silly me." She says kind of weirdly, but I shake my head at her. "I just thought it would of been nice to know but it's okay now. He claims that those days are over but whatever that means." I say to her and she looks at me.

"He really likes you okay, trust me and I kno-" she cuts off what she was about to say. I see her face change from reassuring to panicked. She kept staring at something, I go to turn around but she just keeps me looking at her. "Look at the time we should go to class." She says to me but I shake my head. "I want to apologize to Jake. I felt bad for just leaving." I say to her and she shakes her head more violently. "Nah, we should definitely go to class, you can talk to Jake later." She says to me. She's still looking over at whatever. So I quickly turn around to see what she's looking at.

That's when my heart completely shattered. It was Jake talking to some really attractive girl. She kept touching his arm and giggling a lot. "I see now that Jake really hasn't changed." I say to Hartley and walk off. She tries to stop me but I just kept walking away.


( Jakes p.o.v )

Today I planned to apologize to Melody, I felt so bad for not telling her my secret. She seemed so hurt by it. I felt like I betrayed her trust. I never want her to feel like that again. As I was on my way to her, I saw she was talking to Hartley. I thought that was perfect.

But I then got stopped by a random new girl. "Hi, my names Lily I'm new here to Valley View. Could you help me find room 204?" She asks me, and I kind of look away from her to make sure Hartley and Melody are still there. "Uh, I can't really talk right now. I'm trying to get to my girlfriend." I say to her and she giggles. "Oh wow, how silly of me. Of course you have a girlfriend. A hot guy like you would always be taken." She says as she touches my arm.

"You think I'm hot?" I ask her and smile. Why am I engaging this girl? My heart belongs to Melody. I think to myself, but my body ignores my heart.

"Where did you move here from?" I asked her and she smiles. "Houston, what about you? Have you lived here all your life?" She asks me and I shake my head at her. "I came here just this year. We move a lot." She nods her head at me. "Hey I never did catch your name." She says to me and I smile at her. "It's Jake." I say to her and wink.

"Oh, Jake. Quite a mysterious name. I like it, it suits you." She says flirting to me. "I like the ñame Lily too, very cute name." I say to her in response and she blushes.

I look over to where Hartley and Melody were and I noticed that Melody was gone. Shit. I think to myself. Hartley was the only one standing there and she gave me the death stare while she crossed her arms. I sheepishly smile at her and look back at Lily.

"So will you help me find my class?" She asks me hopeful. "Room 204? That's my class as well." I say to her and smile. Her smile went even more wide. "Great!" She says and takes my arm as we walk to the class.

We walk past Hartley and she still kept death staring at me. I gulped as we past by her. "What's her problem?" Lily asks me, and I told her not to worry about it. We finally reached the class room and I pushed lilys arm away from mine.

She didn't seem to care, and I sat at my seat next to Melody. She didn't even acknowledge my existence. She kept her eyes on her paper. It wasn't until Lily went past her and sat on the other side of me. Gosh, why did the other person next to me have to transfer classes. I thought to myself.


( Melodys p.o.v )

I felt Jake staring at me the whole time while we had class. But all I could hear is that girls annoying voice. She kept trying to have conversation with Jake. What made everything worse is the fact he was replying to her.

This really all hurt my heart. "Look Lily, you seem like a great girl and all. But I have a girlfriend friend." Jake says to Lily, but it was too late. The damage was already done. "I don't see her anywhere." She says and that's when I finally look over to them. "Do you see her now?" I ask her, and she scoffs. "I hate to break it to you sweetie but your boyfriend was all over me in the hallway." She says and gives me a fake smile. Before I could reply the bell rang and I just rolled my eyes and looked at them. "Well, you can have him because we're done." I say to her and he looked extremely hurt. I honestly didn't care, the damage was done. All the happiness I finally felt had all faded away. I felt myself slipping into the depression I had once felt after my break up with my first boyfriend. Except this one hurt way worse.

"Hey what's up with you?" Amy asks me, and I reply with, "your brother." I say to her coldly. "Oh no, what did he do this time." She says rolling her eyes sarcastically. "We broke up." I say to her and she shrugs. "Finally." She says and I don't say anything. "Look I don't know why my brother is being like this in all honesty. He seemed pretty into you. I'm not surprised he messed things up already though. Typical." She says trying not to laugh.

"Speak of the devil is that him kissing another girl?" Amy asks me as she points at him kissing the girl from my class. "Ah man, right next to my locker... really!" I say and shake my head. Trying to make a light out of this sore subject. "I'm going to class." I say trying not to lose my cool.

I walked past them because I had to, but I decided that I hurt too much so I manipulated the girls ears into hearing a very high pitch sound causing her to bite Jakes lip and his lip to bleed. I laugh at the outcome and finally get to class.

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