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Lately I've been putting my friends on hold. These past few days my family and I have became really close to finding out where the villains are.

Ever since Lily and Jake broke up, the crime rates had decreased drastically. Which is so weird, I guess Lily wasn't the villain after all.

Starling has been helping us on this mission here and there. She claims to know who the villains are but I'm not so sure. If she actually did know she would of told us by now.

I know that Starling is hiding something. I know that girl so well. I can tell when she's lying or when she's being genuine with anything.


Jake hadn't really made much of an effort to talk to me. He's respecting my boundaries right now, and I appreciate that so much. We don't completely ignore each other, we just don't talk as much as we used to.

He says Good morning to me everyday and I would always just smile at him. He's definitely kept his word though, I haven't seen him talk to a girl in awhile. Whenever Lily tries to talk to him he just straight up ignores her.

I can't help but to feel proud of him when he ignores her. I can truly see the change he has made in himself. I do miss him, I miss him so much honestly.

I wish I could bring myself to hug him again and talk to him. I miss our friendship and relationship. I never told my parents what he did to me. I never told them because I knew I'd want to give him another chance. And if I told them what he did, they would never allow him to date me ever again.

So I just told them that we took a long break. Just because I wanted to do my school work and not worry about a boyfriend. Which was only like 10% true. All I wanted was to be with him.

But my heart can't take another heartbreak, at least not right now.

I still wondered, I wondered why Jake was talking to starling. Even though that happened a month ago or so, I still wanted to know what they were talking about. I couldn't help but to feel jealous.

I always felt so jealous of starling and her confidence. She was always so popular and loved by so many guys. All the guys I ever had a crush on, had a crush on her and not me. I still remember that one time she took my crush from me. My first ever crush.


( Flash back )

There he was, sitting on the swing set controlling the wood chips with his mind making them float. He had dirty blond hair and these amazing green eyes. His eyes were what made him so unique. His eyes gave him the power to control things with his mind and fly.

His name was Peter, Peter Hall. Also known as Captain Valors son. His superhero name was Forest. Because people swore they saw a forest whenever they look him in the eyes. I never had the pleasure of looking him in the eyes. Mostly because I was too shy to even go near him.

Him and I briefly spoke a few times. I finally felt like we had a connection but then of course Starling came along and he became her first boyfriend. Instead of my boyfriend, starling always had that charm in her.

Her people charm. She could make anyone love her in seconds. That day I saw Peter on the swings, I noticed Starling right next to him talking to him. Thats when my heart shattered.

That was the first and first of many crushes she took from me.


( End flash back )

"Good morning Melody." Jake says to me while slamming his locker to get my attention. I shake my head and look at him and huff. "Morning Jake." I say to him unamused. He gives me his signature smile and I couldn't help but to smile back.

"I'll see you in class." He says to me, but before he could walk away I told him to "Wait!" He turned around still smiling. "Let's go together!" I say to him and smile. He nods his head and walks my pace, "as you wish." He replies.

Class went by so slowly, but I was okay with it because I finally started opening back up to Jake. Slowly, but it's just so much better now then before. Jake seemed happier as well after our first period.

Once the bell finally rung I couldn't help but to feel sad that it was over. I grabbed my books from my desk, but someone bumped into me causing me to drop all my notebooks on the ground. I quickly turn around to see who bumped into me and of course.. it was Lily.

"Watch where you're going loser." She says to me and I glare at her and just shake my head. I bend down to pick up my things, and I feel someone kneel next to me and pick up my pencil bag.

I looked up to see who it was, and I wasn't very surprised to find out who helped me was Jake. He got up and put my pencil bag on my desk. He reaches for my hand so he could help me get up. I accepted his hand and he easily pushes me up.

"Thank you." I say to him and blush as he hands me my pencil bag and I take it and put it into my backpack. "No problem, I don't know what I ever saw in that girl." He says and I shake my head at him and head out of the class.

Jake catches up to me and apologizes for bringing her up and I just tell him it's okay even though it wasn't. I just decided to let it go, and continue the rest of my day.

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