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( episode 10 - my version of it )

It's now a day before the dinner, and instead of focusing on how to keep our secret from our families Jake has been focusing on getting his sister to trust him again.

I guess I shouldn't be selfish though, getting his sister to talk to him is more important anyways.

Hartley also was still unable to get Amy to forgive him. She really took my suggestion to heart and started going on a baking rampage for Amy.

"I don't know what to do Mel, I've tried so hard to get Amy to talk to me again. Also the idea you gave to hartley was the worst! Amy doesn't eat the treats she makes her. She just uses it as target practice to hit me.. and it really hurts too man." Jake says and I give him a look because he called me man.

His eyes go wide and he immediately corrects himself, "did I say man? I mean baby. My beautiful baby. I love you!" He says and grabs me and pecks me on the lips

"Mhm." I say to him and cross my hands.

"But seriously, I need help Mels. She's never ignored me this long before. I'm starting to think what she said about us not being siblings anymore is true." He says desperately.

I put my hand on his shoulder and say "it will be okay baby, you just have to dive deeper for her I guess. But she's your sister Jake. She will come around." I say to him and kiss his cheek.

He gives me a weak smile and I grab his hand.


I walked to school and got to my locker and saw Jake wearing a very big backpack. "Uh, what are you wearing.." I ask him confused.

"Get this, I got Amy's locker mate to move his locker for 200 dollars and to be his personal locker for the rest of the year! Do you think she will forgive me!" He asks happily and before I could answer Amy walks in and opens her now double locker.

"Amy! Do you love it?" He asks her and she looks at him then at me. "Hey Mels!" She says and smiles at me, "hey Amy!" I say to her back and I smile back.

Jake awkwardly stands there. "Amy! Do you like your new locker?" He asks her a different question this time.

"Where is the other guys locker?" She asks and he told her. But she was not amused or grateful for it. She's now losing money because of him because apparently she already owned that locker.

Amy says bye to me and walks away. "Welp, that went not as expected." He says to me as I get stuff out of my locker. I shake my head at him. "Baby, maybe next time don't act so desperate and say "do you forgive me?" That comment literally made me cringe.." I say to him and he crosses his arms and huffs.

"Oh, looks like Amy forgave Hartley now though." I say to him and he turns around and his mouth goes wide. "She forgave her before me?!" He asks seeming to be jealous.

"Well, I mean. You were the reason why she lied to her.. plus you're her brother Jake. Siblings don't keep secrets from eachother. You know that!" I say to him and he gives me a death glare and I put my hands up in defense.

He looks around to see if anyone is near by and he whispers to me. "I'm going to unleash the Chaos..." my eyes go wide and I immediately shake my head at him.

"Oh no, no, no, no. You can't risk getting caught Jake! There's got to be another way!" I say as I whisper shout at him and he gives me a puppy dog face. "Come on, please Baby, think about it. Jake may have betrayed her trust but chaos never has! And we used to be so close. You knew this we were the terrible two!" He says to me trying to get me to say yes.

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