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My own episode -

It's now been a month since Jake came into my room. He was the first and only friend to ever step foot on our property. Not even Hartley has been inside my home.

Jake and I have been spending much more time together since then. We aren't dating but I don't think we're just friends either...

I don't know honestly, we talk like friends but he doesn't touch me like one. He doesn't do anything inappropriate, but I don't think just friends hold hands, or hug longer then 5 seconds. But I could be wrong. I don't think I am though.

My feelings for him have grown so much since the first day I laid eyes on him. Neither of us have made a big 'move' on each other. By 'move' I just mean asked about our label. Maybe he doesn't want a label, but I definitely do.
"Goodmorning sunshine!" Jake says to me while smiling. He grabs my hand to hold it. I return the smile, "Goodmorning happy." I say back to him. I feel myself blushing every time he grabs my hand to hold it.

We both walk to our lockers that are right next to each other, and Amy looks at us pretty disgusted. "Ugh, this is not a fun sight to see in the morning." She says trying not to gag. I let go of his hand because of insecurities. He looked hurt by it but seemed to let it go.

Amy then walks away once I opened my locker, and a note drops down to the floor. Jake picks it up for me, and I open it up. It was a small love poem.

Everyday reminds me of you
Even the sun lit moon.
You make me smile
And it's so true
That the sun is beautiful
And so are you.
- someone who crushes on you

I held the note to my heart, and I felt my face start to blush. No one has ever wrote me a poem before, I secretly hoped it was Jake, but I thought he liked me. If it was Jake why would he not label it as his? I think to myself.

"What did it say?" Jake asks me confused. I'm mentally frowning at him because this must mean he wasn't the one who sent this to me. That someone else was interested in me. "It was a love poem someone wrote for me." I say to him.

His jaw clenched and I could see in his eyes that he was upset. He brings out his hand motioning for me to give him the note. I cautiously gave him the paper trying to look him in the eyes.

He took the note and started reading it. After he read it, he took me by surprise. He crumbled it up and dropped it on the floor. Slammed his desk shut and walked away from me. All in the time span of 10 seconds. It took me a few to process what just happened emotionally.

What was his problem?


"Good news guys! We have our first mission as supers in this town! There's a bank robbery happening. It's only a few blocks away. Who's up for some classic superhero fun!" My dad says to us all excited. All our faces lit up when he said that.

We all quickly went to our rooms and changed into our costumes. I went back down stairs and my new addition cape was waiting for me. It latched itself on my back and my family followed behind my brother shortly after.

My family all stood behind me and my cloak teleported us to the bank robbery.

It was the local bank, 'Valley View bank.' There were three guys and a big van. The three guys were pretty big in all honesty, but my dad could definitely take him on.

As I saw one of the guys running to the van, I quickly changed his reality to him thinking that he was inside the van already, but in reality just left the money bags he was carrying in front of me.

I was invisible to him, so he never saw me. But I know for sure his buddies were very confused as to why their partner just put the money on the concrete floor.

It had seemed that the guys had, had enough. They quickly started to speed off, but not long after my dad just electrocuted the car, causing it to stop suddenly.


"Sigh, Ugh, finally! Home at last. That took longer than expected." Bradley says as he collapses on our couch. I collapse next to him and turn on the TV.

"In other news, it appears Valley View has some familiar superhero's in town. After a robbery in Valley Views bank, the famous four supers came to the rescue and saved us losing our money." We all looked at each other and smiled and high fived  eachother.

"Tonight was a success. Now go to bed you two, it's way past your bedtimes." My dad says to Bradley and I. We both roll our eyes and go to our rooms.


"Can you believe that song and her family was in Valley View???" Hartley asks Amy and I trying not to annoy Amy too much. But it still was too far, Amy was not amused at all. "All supers are just so lame. Why couldn't they just let those robbers off the hook one time." She says frustrated.

"All bad guys must be stopped, it would of been wrong of them not to do anything." I reply back to Amy. She just rolls her eyes. Sometimes I swear she doesn't like me.

I walk up to my locker, thankful that Jake isn't here. But it was too late, I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. "Hey Melody, I'm so sorry for reacting that way. It's just that... I wrote that for you, but I wasn't going to give it to you. I was gonna throw it away, but I guess Amy got it some how and put it in your locker. I know you probably think I'm lame for that. But-" I cut him off after that.

I happily grab his hand and put it to my heart. I smile at him, "thank you Jake, I thought the poem was very lovely, just like you. I'm actually very relieved. I was hoping the poem was from you... I didn't know you knew how to write." I say to him and he blushes and looks away.

"What can I say, I was inspired." He says to me while leaning into me. Inching closer to my body. I felt my heart rate pick up. My breathing felt like it was losing focus. "Ahem, we're going to be late for class Melody, come on! Bye Jake!" Hartley says as she drags me away from Jake.

"Dude you totally just cock blocked me!" I say to her frustrated. Hartley just giggles, "it's about time you two made some moves." She says to me and I correct her. "Actually, we haven't decided what we are yet..."

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