An emotional rollercoaster

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Alto Clef

Gender: male

Year of birth: 1970 (37)

Place of birth: Massachusetts (idfk)

Sexuality: Bi-romantic Asexual

Jack bright

Gender: fluid

Year of birth: 1968 (39)

Place of birth: site 17

Sexuality: Pansexual

Meri Wojeichowski (scp 166)

Gender: female

Year of birth: 1991(16)

Place of birth: Cornwall, England

Sexuality: Queer/questioning

Doctor Jack bright opened his eyes, to see the ceiling of the break room he knew far too well after all these years

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Doctor Jack bright opened his eyes, to see the ceiling of the break room he knew far too well after all these years. He groaned and closed his eyes again before turning onto his side on the firm couch he was lying on, wrapping a soft blanket around him, tighter than it was before. He couldn't Just fall asleep and never wake up could he? He was doomed to this life for as long as the medallion remained intact, which would most likely be forever at this point. He just had to carry the stupid thing with his bare hands that day. He just had to be revived in that stupid D-class' body. the medallion wouldn't just let him close his eyes in that moment and rest, let him be at peace.

Bright tried to go back to sleep, but he wasn't getting anywhere with that, so he decided to get up and try to eat something. Pushing the blanket off of himself, he realised that he had slept in his work clothes. He sighed and went to get some clean clothes from a small chest of drawers near the kitchen and laundry area. He picked out a light pink shirt, brown trousers, a grey tie and some clean underwear before going into the mens bathroom and changing. when he was done, he examined himself in the mirror, only to see that he looked like even more of an instance of 008 than the day before. He sighed before picking up a hairbrush and untangling his long-ish, vibrant, auburn hair.

when he was done, he made his way to the canteen to get some breakfast. He passed Humanoid containment on the way there and almost went in before deciding not to. 'I'll visit him later' Bright thought to himself before turning a corner and entering the canteen. He scanned the room and spotted Clef, Kondraki and Rights sat at the table in the far right corner. He gave them a wave before going to get some food. Bright made his way to the counter and poured himself a bowl of coco puffs before going to sit down with his friends.

"hey," he sighed as he sat down next to clef and ate a spoonful of his cereal, "how are you?" He asked, sensing how the others were looking at him

Clef piped up, "Probably better than you." he laughed, and so did everyone else, except for bright, who slammed his head on the table hard, causing the canteen to go almost silent before the usual chatter continued, "Dude, it was...just a joke...I'm sorry." Clef said, a remorseful tone in his voice as he patted Bright on the back in an attempt to console him.

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