A liiiiitle favour

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Im gonna put my oc in here, don't worry, they wont be that important in the main storyline, they just kinda exist as one of bright and clef's best friends will give a character sheet tomorrow probably.

edit: I have gone in a completely new direction with this OC, they will have a few major moments in this book, but I am currently working on their own as of the 4th November 2022. I will try and only have their character arc take 1 or 2 chapters, and it may or may not have an impact on this story, I am still unsure of that, but I know where I want their story to go, I hope you understand.

"I need you to do something", bright said between sobs.

"I'm almost afraid to ask." Clef teased. Bright chuckled a bit, bringing joy to his tear soaked face.

"You have friday off right?" bright asked


"can you come with me to give this to-to my dad?" bright said, sounding embarrassed while gesturing to the drawing labelled 'To Dad'

"Sure," clef responded, " wanna go for drinks after?"

"Sure," bright laughed, "Lets hope I don't get black out drunk again." he said, looking away from clef's eyes. Bright went over and sat on the bottom bunk of a bed that they had set up for the extra long shifts. and wiped away his tears as clef sat on the couch. "Sorry, I'm really out of it today."

"don't apologise." clef snapped, "It's not your fault."

"but I can't help but feel as if-"

"Not. Your. Fault." Clef said in that angry but encouraging tone.

Bright sighed and got up. "We need to get to work, A's probably wondering where we are, we wouldn't want to keep them waiting."

"ok, you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, I'm sure, lets go."

Im so fucking lazy rn im just gonna end it here

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