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when they arrived at site 19, Bright went to the break room to see if there was any food, some leftover ramen, pizza, hell, even some toast would be good considering he hadn't been able to keep much down for a while. But when he got there, nothing was ok to eat, there WAS some leftover pizza, but he'd rather not find out how deep down the mould covering it went, so decided to leave it. He sighed and went to check his watch, '11:15' he thought, 'I should get going', He picked up the lanyard with his ID, key card and house keys, the one that he had left at work two day before and left for Glass' office. 

When he got there about 5 minutes later, he saw Dr. Iceberg leaving the room, wearing his signature blue scarf and thick jumper, his face pink from coldness "OH, hey bright," Iceberg said, in a slightly less monotone voice than bright was used to, "How are you?"

Bright sighed and collapsed onto a chair near the door, and iceberg sat next to him, "Shit," he said as he put his head in his hands, "I'm doing shit.."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Iceberg responded, something was... different about iceberg, he was showing emotions again, unlike one of the last times bright saw him, right before he tried to...

"So you're not an emotionless husk anymore?" Bright said, his tone more energetic

Iceberg chuckled and adjusted the pale blue scarf around his neck, "No, I'm not," He looked at bright and gave a faint smile, "after I tried to...You know...I was given leave, and I spent it mostly recovering, but someone I love-"

"Gears?" Bright said in a suggestive tone, his face covered in a chaotic grin

Iceberg's face turned even more pink than it already was, "Y-Yeah, Gears, was given leave too, to help me recover. He was there to help me through it, and to be honest I think I helped him a little." Iceberg paused, "I think the thing that helped me through it the most was seeing the smile on gears' face when I came down for breakfast every morning...It showed me I have reason to live, after 9 years of working with him."

"God that's cheesy as fuck." Bright said in an almost sad tone, yet still maintaining his joking manner.

"Do you have someone like that, Jack?" Iceberg asked, but bright only sighed.

"Yeah, but, he doesn't know." He looked at the ground in-between his knees

"Bright?" Glass' office door opened and an average height, blond man opened the door, a welcoming smile on his face, "Come on in!" Bright got up and waved goodbye to Iceberg before entering the pristine office with a glass containment chamber in one of the rooms corners. Inside was a small orange blob, fast asleep in a sort of bowl. In the center of the room ws a desk with three chairs, one for glass, and two for patients, bright sat in the one closest to the orange SCP. "So, Jack, you didn't actually specify what this is for..."

"Um, it's sorta a mix of things actually." bright looked glass in the eye, making glass mildly uncomfortable.

"Well, go ahead," Glass smiled sweetly, to tell him that it was ok to say anything he wanted to.

"Ok, I'll start with the worst I guess," Bright fidgeted a bit before speaking, "It's- It's getting worse.."

"The...struggling to eat and vomiting?" Glass asked


"I see.." Glass noted some things down on his clipboard before speaking, "I might have to refere you to Med..."

"I- Ok.." Bright paused again before continuing, "I umm, can I tell you something kinda...personal, Like really personal?"

Glass looked up from his clipboard and nodded, "That's what I'm here for."

Bright's stomach fluttered and he got nervous before responding, "I- I like Clef."

Glass stopped for a moment and looked up at Bright's pinkening face, "Ok... "

"Sorry, I just... Need to get it off my chest, " glass nodded

"Are you comfortable with me asking some more questions regarding this subject?" Bright nodded slowly, "How does being around Clef make you feel?"

Bright smiled, "He makes me feel important, wanted, like I'm not alone," Bright stopped speaking for a moment, "Like I have a reason to live."

"I see, do you often feel like you DON'T have a reason to live?" Glass requested

"I-Uh, guess not..." Bright's face dropped as Glass took some more notes

"Have you ever had thoughts of self harm or suicide?" Glass looked up from his clipboard and noticed that Bright had gone completely still and silent, "Jack?"

"yes, I have..." He pulled up his sleeve slightly to reveal some cuts up his left arm, "This is...just this body..."

"Yes, I know, Jack," Glass reached into a drawer and pulled out a leaflet with lists of suicide and self harm hotlines on the back and a ton of advice on how to take care of yourself, Jack only scoffed.

"You seriously think this is gonna help?!" bright was irritated and angry, he had been offered stuff like this but it hadn't helped.

"It might not, but there's a chance it will, Jack. Give it a chance." He then got up and opened the containment chamber for the small orange blob, picked it up and handed it to bright. Jack immediately felt pure euphoria and started smiling and laughing uncontrollably until his session was over, when he got up and said his goodbyes and made his way to the cafeteria to meet A and Clef.

When he got there, however, Clef and A weren't waiting outside, so he looked inside but they werent there either. He decided to go back t the break room, where he found them both. "What the fuck?!" A turned their attention away from the work on the desk and looked at bright.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! There was an incident with a trainee and a grenade, we have to deal with the paperwork." A sounded genuinely sorry, but when he turned to clef, he was sound asleep on the sofa, the blanket pushed onto the end. 

'He's such an idiot, but a cute idiot' bright thought, before moving the blanket onto clef and laying down on the bed assigned to him before drifting off to sleep.

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