Going home

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Clef sat in silence for a moment, feeling overwhelmed by the days experiences, first, he had been permitted to see his daughter at somel point in the near future, then he goes out on a pretty much perfect date with bright, but then he ends up reliving some of the worst trauma he had ever experienced. Gears seemed to notice this and quietly asked what was wrong, as to not wake up the man asleep on his shoulder.

"Nothing, I'm fine," clef stuttered a little. He never stuttered. Gears knew this.

"Are you quite sure, doctor?" His brow was slightly furrowed, probably the most emotion clef would ever see from the man.

Clef sighed slightly and managed to choke up a laugh, "no, I'm not, but at the same time... I am?"

"Hm... Can you explain? If you don't mind me asking, doctor." Gears sounded genuinely indifferent to the conversation, as if he didn't care, but clef knew, deep down, that he cared ever so slightly.

"So, well, I just went on a date with bright and we got talking about... My life before the foundation-"

"Dammit" Gears mumbled, as monotone as ever. Clef's brow furrowed slightly as he looked at the older researcher.

"Hm? What?" A tired iceberg managed to mumble.

"I will be cooking dinner all this week," Alto swears that just for a second, gears smiles at his husband's confused face, before he gestures to Clef.

Iceberg's face lights up as his eyes go wide and a smile forms on his face, "I told you he was who Bright liked! I knew it!"

"Wait wait WAIT. First A and now you?! You're all a bunch of traitors!" Alto jokingly said, causing a laugh from Julian. "I might have to report you for disloyalty to a senior researcher Icey!" Iceberg burst out into a fit of laughter, and frozen tears begin to prick at his eyes before he wipes them away.

"Anyway, you were saying, doctor?" Gears reeled him back to the conversation they were just having.

"Oh, yeah, so me and bright got talking about my life before the foundation and it... Brought up some memories, stuff I'd rather not talk about in a minivan filled with other people." He gripped his upper arms and clenched his hands, digging his nails into his arms, causing thin, crescent-shaped marks to form.

"Oh, we already know about that stuff, and, I'm sorry, Alto, I really am, no one should have to go through that." Iceberg embrased Clef, the cold was oddly comforting, comforting enough that clef didn't realize he was tearing up again.

"Wait, how did you-"

"Well I mean, you don't do half the foundation's paperwork without snooping a little..."

"Once again, You're a traitor!" The two men burst out laughing, Gears however, pulled out a book and started reading.

"Hey, I just wanted to know how you got higher clearance, but hey, I got what I wanted!" He smiled, sickly sweet.

"DR CLEF! YOUR STOP!" the driver called out. Clef waved goodbye, stepped out of the van, went inside and flopped down on the sofa, when his phone buzzed.

Jack: hiii!!! Did you get home ok?
⁵ ᵐᶦⁿᵘᵗᵉˢ ᵃᵍᵒ

Alto💖: yeah I did, thanks for today, I mean that :)

Jack: yeah I know you do :D

Alto💖: you get home ok?

Jack: yep! Lying in bed rn lol

Alto💖: lol, you're not going to sleep already are you?

Jack: maaaaayyyyybbbeeeee

Alto💖: hehe lol

Jack: I'mma go take a nap, see you tomorrow?

Alto💖: yep, see you tomorrow, bye :)

Jack: bye❤

Jack laid back down in his bed before putting his phone back down on his bedside table and closing his eyes. Today had been perfect.

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