The rest of the day

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my oc will be fully introduced in this chapter. Sorry not sorry for the shit ur about to read. (name is pronounced -Ay- btw)

Clef and bright left the break room after putting the drawings in brights pigeon hole and set off for Heavy containment. They were on Keter duty after an incident regarding bright, clef, A, Chainsaw cannons, shotguns, shadow demons and 3 keter anomalies. On the way there, neither bright or clef said a word until they reached the guards, when they only muttered a simple 'hey' before being let into the sector. They reached the containment area labelled SCP-682 and both sighed before entering the observation room.

"WHERE ON EARTH HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Clef and bright both stood up straight, shocked at the sudden burst of noise. They saw a short, pale blue, researcher with half black, half light blue hair scowling at them. They spoke in an east midlands, British accent "I HAVE BEEN WORKING MY ARSE OFF DOWN HERE AND YOU HAVE BEEN DOING WHAT?"

"A, shut your mouth, we are clearly fine. Well, I am, Bright isnt. " Clef spat, bright just looked at the floor, ashamed that he had taken up valuable time

"Go on then." A said, the look on their face was now less fury and more concern at bright's mood change. Bright and clef were never late, and they were never this quiet.

"Bright visited Tj and he...Got emotional, I was helping him in the break room."

"R-right, I see." they said as they stepped closer to bright and put a hand on his shoulder, "Look, I get it, He's your brother, But every time you go, you end up harming your mental health even more. It honestly pains me to request this, but you need to stop going so often, I suggest once every 3 weeks, ok?"

"A," Bright responded, "I- Thanks, I'll consider it."

"Good. Right then!" they said walking towards the observation window enthusiastically, oddly so considering what they were working on, "We need to fill out A LOT of paperwork, regarding the- ahem- incident."

"How much?" Clef asked, He hated paperwork, so did bright, it was just so boring. Both of them knew that A hated it too, but its made twice as easy for them considering their abilities. A is a shadow type reality bender, meaning they can manipulate shadows and use them to get around, A has a shadow they can summon to assist them, however, it is extremely draining. No one really knows their real last name, and their age has never really been brought up, and it's honestly hard to tell.

"Too much, clef. Too much." A sighed, "Clef, yours is over there and bright, yours is next to it." A pointed to the corner of the room

"So A," bright questioned, "Why are we even here?"

"Good question haha" the laugh was clearly fake and they slammed their head into the wall in frustration, "I guess they want to make sure the message gets through, but personally, I think just the paperwork would have sufficed."

Bright picked up his 3 inch thick pile of paperwork and sat at a work desk next to A and Clef followed him with his own stack of documents. A summoned their shadow and split the paperwork into two piles, an gave one to the shadow along with a pen. Even with the shadow, A still had the most paperwork and finished 1 hour after bright and clef had finished. They stretched and dismissed their shadow before getting up and putting the paperwork in a folder and stuffing it in a bag. "Wanna go for drinks?" they ask

"I wouldn't mind," Clef said

"Sure, but make sure we are sober by the morning, heh." bright said back

"My turn to pay right?" Clef asked

"sure," Bright mumbled, "We still on for Friday? clef?" as soon as those words left his mouth, bright realised how that sounded, soon followed by A responding.

"Oh?" A had a curious and flirty tone in their voice

"Me and bright are going to see on friday, to give him something...from Tj." Clef slowly trailed off

"oh..." A stood in silence for a while, " lets go then" they slowly made their way to the door followed by the two other researchers.

They all made their way down the hall and out of heavy containment and to the break room where Kondraki and Rights were sat on their phones. Rights and kondraki turned their attention to bright, "Oh my 343 are you ok?" rights asked while cupping brights face in her hands, "you sounded really upset, what happened?"

"J-just something with Tj, thats all" Bright answered, his words slightly slurred by Rights' hand on his face. "We are gonna go for drinks, wanna come?"

"On a work night?" Kondraki asked, concerned

"the three of us have the day off tomorrow." Clef said

"sorry, shouldn't have asked, forgot you were working tomorrow." Bright said

"We best be off then," A said Putting on a coat and their bag, "We should leave before the rain gets worse"

"How do you always know its raining? there are no windows in here." Kondraki asked, confused

"I have my ways," A said, "I also have a weather app."

"oh. right. S-see you!"

The three of them left the site, got on the bus to [/////////] and removed all of their foundation identification badges. When they reached [/////////], they went into [///] bar and sat down. Clef got some tropical juice and vodka, because clef, Bright got the same and A had some Raspberry Gin and tonic. For a while, everyone was having a good time, but after about half an hour, when A and Clef were so Immersed in a conversation about Chainsaw swords, Bright ordered some more drinks and chugged them. In that moment, he felt like he did that morning and he couldn't describe why. he felt like he was worthless, like he was trapped. he needed those drinks, just to escape from reality...

Just for a little bit.

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