Clef's perspective

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Fucking glass thinking writing down feelings in some dumb book will fix anything rather than just giving me higher doses of my meds.

Hey. My dumb therapist told me to write everything down in here so I can "air out me feelings without shoving cinnamon twists up my nose or being generally intimidating" or some bullshit.

So where do I fucking start? My first ex, second ex or my newest ex? let's go with the first.

Well, I was forced into a relationship with her and kept imprisoned by her for a while. After moing to the foundation, k found out that there were 6 women imprisoned in out basement to represent the scarlet kings brides, and that I represent the seventh, which was... Sarcasm really doesn't come off well in writing does it? Well, it was fucking shit, and I wake up screaming about it sometimes. More specifically the abuse on me, not the others even though it does scare me, and only 343 knows where she got wallpaper made out of human flesh... Jesus Christ... I'm more fucked up than I thought I guess... Discussing this on a piece of paper isn't so bad, there's less therapist scribbling down notes, plus I can have my shotgun near me.

Right. Second ex. Fuck kondraki. Not like that, fuck sex in general, who needs that shit. But Kondraki??? I don't know why I even thought for a moment that he liked me back, treated me like shit, constant arguing and now he's even more of a prick. This is why I didn't date!

Right... Most recent... Bright...Jack... Jay... See, this one is my fault. We got into a fight and he cornered me and when he gets angry he flails his arms around and he raised one and I thought he was going to hurt me so I hit him...

Jesus Christ I hit him... Now all I can do when I see him is snarl at him, I don't want him thinking that I'm actually snarling at HIM though... I'm doing it more to myself I guess. Of course he won't love me... Who would?

And of course, I'm a fraud! I make myself big using reality bending as a defense mechanis... I make myself repulsive to women as a defense mechanism, yet I always manage to hurt myself.

Jack's too good for me anyway. What's the point.


A/N: hey, so, idk. I'm back?? Shit happened, I lost passion in this and focussed on other things like my own original content and I came back. I know it's been a while, and I'm sorry for that, but my mental health really suffered for a while, and continues to still be poor, so please, bare with me as I learn to write this again, thank you

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