mediocre morning

550 12 18

Bright closed his eyes again and was about to fall asleep when clef stirred awake. Clef rubbed his eyes and looked up at bright before he realised what was going on. He quickly let go of bright and bright moved his arms away from Clef's body before speaking, "what happened last night?"

clef sighed while looking slightly annoyed, "you had too much to drink, like you always do." Clef shot a look at bright that made him feel as if he was going to pass out. Clef had never spoken to him like this before, he knew he messed up by drinking too much, but the fact that clef had said it made it feel so much worse, "You need to speak to a therapist bright, I don't want to have to help you out of a bar again, ok?" His tone was softer now, more like he was giving advice and less like he was pissed off.

"Yeah, I understand..." Bright muttered, ashamed of what had happened, "So, fill in the gaps for me, I remember leaving work and the ride to the bar but after that its fuzzy. And why am I in, what I'm assuming to be, your house?"

Clef chuckled and moved his hair away from his eyes, slightly exposing the third one that he concealed under his dirty blonde hair, "well, we sat down, ordered, we talked until me, and A got talking about something for about 20 minutes, and when we were finished, the bartender told us he couldn't serve you anymore alcohol, so we left. Oh, and you left your keys at work."

Bright sat there before clutching his head and getting up. The room had dusty brown roman blinds, pale mint walls and plain wood furniture, "nice place," bright said, "To apologise for taking up your time, should I make you breakfast?" bright smiled at clef

"With MY food?" Clef said sarcastically with a smirk, that of a Cheshire cat, on his face.

"I think the sentiment is still there," bright said, his smile faltering a bit.

Clef chuckled to himself before responding, "Ok, fine, it's still breakfast, I'll put some coffee on." As he turned to leave the room but paused, "you need anything? "

Bright responded almost immediately, "Can I have some ice water?" He responded while holding the side of his head.

"Ok, I'll get you some. You can come and cook when you're ready. " Clef exited the room leaving bright to himself.

Bright left the room and went down the hallway to find the bathroom and entered a room he thought it may be, but was greeted by a room completely lit up with sunlight, dazzling him temporarily. When his eyes adjusted, he saw the room was filled with plants and fauna of all kinds and that all the furniture was plain wood. The bed was perfectly made and there was no dust on anything. Clef lived alone and this definitely wasn't his room, so it must be...

"What are you doing in here?" A voice came from behind bright, startling him. It was clef

"I was looking for the bathroom, " bright muttered, "sorry." Bright left the room with his head facing the ground and clef locked the door after him.
Clef walked him to a door just down the hall, "here's the bathroom. "

"Th-thanks" bright said. He knew who that room was meant for, but decided not to bring it up, "is it ok if I use your shower?"

"Sure," clef mumbled before leaving bright to put some coffee on.

When bright was done, he changed into the same clothes clef had given him the night before and made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Like the rest of his house, clef's kitchen was light and had unpainted wooden counters and furniture, the living room was right next to the kitchen in an opened space. The walls were dark green teal, and the couch and chair were brown leather and there was a huge wall mounted tv that clef was sat watching with a cup of coffee in hand.

"What are you gonna make? " Asked clef, "I'm hungry." That signature Cheshire Cat smile appeared on his face again and bright turned to the kitchen.

"I was thinking pancakes" bright smiled at clef and clef smiled back.

"The flour and sugar are in the bottom cupboard to the far left and eggs and milk are in the fridge. Oh, and pans are in the second drawer down" Clef said turning his focus back to the tv.

Bright found the ingredients and got a pan from the drawer before mixing everything together. Needless to say, Clef's kitchen was a lot tidier than his, so was the rest of his house. Bright could never find the time or motivation to tidy up, so his house was a lot messier. He was lucky he didn't rent, or he would have been evicted by now. When he had finished, he served up about 5 pancakes each and gave the better made ones to clef. Clef had set out some coffee and ice water on a low table in front of the couch. Bright sat down and started eating his slightly burnt pancakes, occasionally taking a sip of lukewarm coffee or ice water, which didn't do as much for his headache as he had hoped.

"You...sure you are ok to go out?" Clef asked, "you seem really out of it."

"Yeah! I-I'll be fine!" Bright said, putting on a smile and nodding enthusiastically. He ate some more pancake but slowly began to feel sick before he couldn't hold it down anymore and got up and ran to the kitchen and vomited into the bin.

"HOLY SHIT! ARE YOU OK??" Clef yelled, standing up and running to help bright.

"Yeah, I'm-" he tried to speak again before throwing up again.

"Bright, you can't go out like this." Clef said, concerned for his friend's health, "Stay here, we can watch movies or something."

Bright looked up wearily, "Yeah," he was out of breath 

"I'd like that"

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