double confession

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if you didn't read the last chapter because you are sensitive to stuff like SH and suicide, here is a quick summary. 

Bright and iceberg talked, and iceberg said some cheesy shit about love and partners ITS 2AM. Glass and bright talked and bright confessed to liking clef and to also SH. and he left, went to the cafeteria, but when no one was there, he went to the break room and found clef and A, clef was asleep. Bright put a blanket on Clef and fell asleep himself...NOW! ON WITH THIS SHITSHOW!!!!

Bright was woken up by a cold paper towel on his neck, one that had been in the freezer. His eyes shot open and he sat bolt upright, hitting his head on the bed above him. "Get up," A said, putting the frozen towel on Clef's neck, waking him instantly, "We have to go do stuff with able,"

Jack hated that name, hell,  just hearing it made him feel nauseous, after all, Able had done this to him, forced upon him the burden of immortality, "Do I have to?" he muttered nervously

"I'm afraid so," A responded while leaving the room, quickly followed by bright and then Clef, "You won't have to do any of the talking if you don't want to."

"Thanks," Bright sighed in relief as they opened the doors to heavy containment.

The next few weeks were a blur, the only thing he really remembered was sitting with clef for lunch every day and a minor breach, but nothing THAT major. The hardest part however was bright hearing clef refer to him as a friend, and others could see the pain in his eyes as well. Iceberg had noticed, and of course glass and A knew, but nothing from clef. Bright wanted to tell him so badly, every day, he had to fight the urge, thinking that, NO, knowing that Clef would only push him away if he did. He attempted to suppress his feelings for him so much that they only became stronger, and he couldn't take it anymore.

"So," A sighed, "You guys going home tonight?"

"I was thinking about staying, I can't be bothered to go home today." bright muttered

"Same," clef climbed up to his bunk bed and pulled out his phone, "Besides, It's pizza tonight." A nodded 

"I'm going to meet with Light, I'll probably be able to eat in about 10 minutes," and with that, A left down the hall. Bright lay down on the bed below Clef's and just stared at the wall, that was now perfectly clean. He thought about what had happened that day, and sighed. "You ok Jack?"

"Yeah, just REALLY tired." Bright yawned, closing his eyes, kinda shocked clef had called him jack.

"Well," Clef said, leaning over the side of his bed to look at bright, "If we get pizza now, you can go to your room and sleep relatively early." Bright nodded and got up as Clef hopped down from his bed and the two of them set off for the cafeteria. Bright put his hands in his pockets, he found the leaflet that Glass had given him, and he decided he would read it in the cafeteria. When they got there, the line was short, so they were able to get their food and sit down relatively quickly. "I'm gonna go get a drink, You want one?" Clef asked.

"Yeah, can I have some Fanta?" Bright asked, "I'll pay you back-"

"No need, this ones on me, besides, its only a dollar for both drinks." Clef piped up, producing four quarters from his pocket and walking towards the anomalous coffee machine on the other side of the room. Bright pulled out the leaflet and began reading, there was all the basic stuff, helplines, what to do instead of harming yourself, but one section caught his eye. It was a lot of stuff about taking care of yourself while working at the foundation, something he had never seen before. He started reading when clef sat down opposite him with two cups, "here ya go, jack!" Bright prayed that he wouldn't notice what leaflet he was reading but it was too late, Clef had already snatched it out of his hands and started reading the cover, "Jack, you know, I'm here for you, you'll always be one of my best friends."

'Best friends'


It felt so wrong, so fucking wrong, it made bright start to tear up and shake before he finally snapped, "BUT WHAT IF I WANT TO BE MORE THAN THAT?!" He shouted, tears now flowing down his face. 


he realised what he had said when the rest of the cafeteria was looking at the two researchers and clef had a look of shock spread across his face, "I- uhh.." He turned and bolted out of the cafeteria door, almost knocking over A, who had been entering the cafeteria during the outburst. A walked over to Clef and gave him a guilty look

"You knew?" Clef said, irritated at A for keeping that big a secret. A only nodded, "You can have my food, I'm not hungry anymore." Clef handed his tray to A and shoved past them to follow bright, leaflet still clutched in his hand. When Clef left the cafeteria, there was no sign of Bright, he sighed and pulled out his phone to text him, but no messages were going through. He walked defeated to his room, put on some pyjamas and lay down on his bed, and became lost in thoughts and emotions, HE had never considered the possibility that he like him that way, but he admitted it felt right when bright said he wanted to be more than just friends. The thought gave him a fluttery feeling and made him feel...happy. He was still really confused, angry even, 'Why wouldn't he just tell me? was he scared I would hate him or something?' 'How long has bright liked me?' 'How long had A known for?' He curled up into a ball and tried to go to sleep, but he couldn't, his thoughts just woke him up every time he started to drift off, until, he somehow managed to silence them and fell asleep. 

When he woke up, Clef checked his phone as he usually did, to see that bright had left him on read. He sighed, put his phone down and screamed into his pillow. He felt so guilty for not trying to stop him from running out, and for not saying something to calm him down. He got up, dressed and went to get breakfast. When he got there, Kondraki, Rights, Gears, Iceberg and Glass were sat at a table together, he gave them a wave and got some cereal before sitting down next to Glass and beginning to eat. "So, Clef," Rights started, "what was up with Bright yesterday, and where is he?"

Clef shrugged, "I...don't really know...I think he, but im not entirely sure..." Clef was starting to turn a light shade of pink, "I tried to ask but I've been left on read..." Everyone turned back to their food and continued the conversation they were having before. Clef just sat there, he was still confused as to how he felt about all of this. He knew that what Bright had said felt....right...but he wasn't sure if or when he himself had started feeling this way.

 He finished his cereal and put his bowl away before leaving for the break room to check his schedule, which hadn't been updated on his phone for some reason. When he got there, however, no one was in their usual spots, A wasn't doing paperwork and Bright wasn't sat on the couch moping, but there was a note placed on the coffee table. It read 'Hey clef, It's A. I'm unfortunately sick today and bright has taken impromptu leave. The work we were scheduled to do today requires at least two us to be present so you have the day off...don't question how this note got here' Clef sighed and flopped onto the sofa, and was about to order a ride home, but stopped and went over the corkboard where schedules and addresses were kept and looked up Bright's town, [REDACTED]. he then sat back down and ordered a ride to the nearest grocery store to where bright lived, picked up his stuff and met the driver outside.

when he got there, he went into the store and found a box of chocolates he thought Bright might like. He smiled slightly at the thought of giving them to Bright, and decided to get some flowers as well. He browsed the flowers before selecting a bouquet of wildflowers and bringing the items up to the till. After he paid, he started the walk to Bright's house using google maps. He began to feel even more nervous the closer he got that maybe he had misunderstood the situation, that maybe Bright didn't like him like that, and before he knew it, he was stood outside Bright's house. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer. When the door finally opened, bright was stood there, his hair in a loosely tied and scruffy ponytail, wearing pink sweatpants and a white t-shirt. His eyes widened at the sight of clef at his door holding a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. 

"Bri- Jack, I can't stop thinking about what you said yesterday and how right it sounded to me," Clef's face flushed slightly more pink, "I was wondering if you wanted to...maybe...go out, like on a date?"

Bright's face was now a dark pink, and he stepped outside of the house and hugged him tightly, "You wanna come inside?" 

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