Bright explains

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"I've known A as long as I can remember, from what I've been told, I was 4 when they showed up. They were always so kind to me and my siblings, and would always give us candy when they came 'round to visit. They were my father's assistant and would often finish work early, so he would ask if they could watch us, we were often left with Mikell in charge, which with him being a teenager, he was really bossy, so having A there was a relief. When TJ was born, they would be around even more, often forfeiting the little free time they got to make sure we were ok. I think the best memory I have from that time is definitely when they gave me a book on basic biology when I was 7 and read it with me, I was so happy. They didn't have much free time after my youngest sister, Sarah, was born. They were always working with my father in order to get her and TJ back from the foundation. That's how it was until I was 16, just after I turned 16, I went off to college to start a couple year long course in biology so I could get my doctorates. I joined here when I was 22, and not even 3 months in, my father was shot on orders directly from the council. A was the one who found him. They had stepped out on a lunch break and got talking to some guard they liked, a butch lesbian woman in her mid 20s, he was dead by the time they got back. He had been dead for about half an hour." Bright wiped tears from underneath his eyes.

"You don't have to continue-" Clef started

"Yes. I do," Bright's breath was shakey, "A rushed him to medbay. TJ was there for a check up. I'm glad he doesn't remember that. A cried a lot, my mom shouted a lot, said the reason he was dead was because of them flirting with the guard they liked, and I guess that's where the whole homophobia thing started, she never had a major problem with A being queer before. Anyway, when we were going through my father's stuff, we found a letter. It explained everything. It was from the late 70s, 1979 I think, dunno why he still had it... You sure you wanna know?"


"Ok, well,my dad found A in the middle of the road and hit then going about 70 miles an hour, they didn't die though. Sorry, I'm getting side tracked. the letter. It explained why they were here." Bright paused and took a deep breath in, "they're a type black."

Clef stared at Bright, "what."

"They. are. a. god."

"That helps, but at the same time, only raises more questions." Clef leant against the cemetery wall.

"Yeah, hold on, I'll explain. They were exiled, " Clef opened his mouth to speak, but Bright put a finger up to signal he wasn't finished, and he quickly shut it again, "From what I understand, they went crazy, did something awful and were kicked outta their home realm, my dad found them stood in the middle of the road on the way back from work...before he accidentally hit them with his car..."

"You- you just knew? this whole time? and said nothing?" Clef couldn't help but sound hurt.

"A themselves want to keep it on the down low, they're kinda scared of what could happen if people find out." Bright explained calmly, taking Clef's hand in his, "About the massacre, yes, but also the god part, they think people will react negatively to them not using their abilities for like...I dont know, taking out the lizard or something, and the 05 have stated that it's A's choice."

Clef nodded, "So, like, does your family hate them after everything?"

"I mean, my mom does, but everyone else knows the council would have done it anyway, and only dislike them for massacring a group of D-class before me and my 3 year old brother's eyes, but that also technically wasn't their fault." Bright stated, "Don't ask."

"... Ok then..." Clef blinked, "but, are they not allowed back by now?"

"They are, but they choose to work here,"

"Why?" Clef could suddenly feel eyes burning into the back of his head. He turned around, nothing. When he faced Bright again, A was stood behind him, dressed in all black.

"Good question." They muttered.

Bright spun around to meet their gaze, "You- you hear all of that?" He stammered.

"Most of it..." They trailed off, "look, I can explain the whole thing better over a coffee. E and M still open?"

Bright nodded and looked to Clef, who hesitantly stepped forward. He couldn't help but think differently of A. They were, essentially, a God. They could have prevented so much, but didn't. They instead massacred the foundation's resources and worked a job far below their capability level. They could do so much for the foundation and didn't. He noticed something within them in that moment, shame, they were ashamed of themself. "You... You ok?" Clef asked.

"Look, if we go get coffee I can explain the letter, the whole God thing, everything."

Bright and Clef looked at each other, before Bright finally spoke, "ok."

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