Helping out a friend

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When A and clef had finished their conversation, the bartender tapped Clef on the shoulder. "hey, so umm," He was young, probably no more than 17 and had a fairly low voice, "I don't mean to bother you, but I'm afraid it irresponsible of me to serve your friend anymore drinks." he gestured to bright who was now slumped over on the bar.

"Bri- uhh, Jack?" Clef asked, and bright lifted his head and immediately smiled

"Cle *hic* effff" he mumbled while going to hug him, a gesture which made Clef very embarrassed.

"Jack, what happened?" Clef asked, Genuinely concerned for his friend

"He wont let me have another drinkkk." Bright complained while pointing at the bartender.

"Alto," A said, "I'll pay, you get him home."

"you sure?" Clef asked, "It's my turn to pay?"

"I'm sure."

"O-oh Yeah!" bright piped up while being helped to stand by clef, "I left my keys at work..Hahah! oopsieeeeesss!" A and clef looked at each other before clef decided what to do.

"I'll deal with him, you're paying after all." Clef decided, while heading towards the door. A quickly paid and followed.

"I can get you guys to your house if you want, clef," A suggested, "it would be faster than calling an uber."

"Sure," clef mumbled while trying to support bright's now limp body, "he won't care, he's out cold." Clef laughed as A placed a hand on his back and the ground below them turned black and misty, and within seconds, they were outside Clef's house.

"See you, clef." A said before disappearing in the same black mist.

"Bye," clef sighed as he fumbled around looking for his keys. When he finally found them, he opened the door and turned on the light. He went into the living room and set bright on the couch before going into his room and finding some of the smallest clothes he owned. The smallest things he found were some grey sweatpants and an Insane Clown Posse t-shirt that had been sat in a box in the bottom of his closet since his college days. When he got back to the living room, bright was awake and was attempting to stand up. Attempting to. Clef went over to him and held out the clothes. "These might be a little big, but they will have to do."

"Thaaaannkkk youuuuuuuu clefffyyyy." Lets just say that clef wasn't the most happy being called that, "I need a place to changeeee" Bright said, his words slurring even more with every sentence.

Clef sighed, "come on, you can get changed in the bathroom" He helped bright up after he too the clothes and helped him into the bathroom. After bright had changed into the baggy clothes, Clef helped bright to the guest bedroom and into the large bed. Without warning, bright hugged Clef Just as he was about to leave.

"Please," Bright said, "Don't *hic*tell anyone what happened to *hic*night."

"Well i wasn't planning on it," clef said, trying to get out of the hug

"thanks" bright said, clinging even harder to clef's Hawaiian patterned shirt even harder. This went on for about 5 minutes before bright had fallen asleep, still hugging Clef so tight that he till couldn't get out of it. Clef tried to get bright to let him go gently, but it didn't work. 

"Goddammit bright." Clef snapped under his breath, bright move slightly at that before laying down, taking Clef with him, "are you kidding me?" 

Bright was woken up by a beam of light coming through a gap in the curtains, directly onto his face. He had a fat headache and just wanted to move out of the way of the light before realising that he couldn't. there was something weighing him down. He opened his eyes and almost yelled out in surprise when he saw Clef clinging onto him, with his face buried into bright's chest and his arms wrapped around his upper torso. Bright looked at clef for a while before wrapping his arms around him 'nothing wrong with doing this with.....a friend' bright thought

Why did that last part feel wrong?

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