Why am I like this?

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As clef fetched a blanket, bright sat on the sofa hunched over a small bin, shaking uncontrollably.

"J-Jack?" Clef asked, poking his head out from the other room, "Are you sure that you don't need to see a doctor about this?"

"It's fine..." He looked at the wall for a while before Clef broke the silence.

"How long has this been happening?" Bright looked away before making eye contact again

"about three months now.." Bright tucked his knees up so that his feet could rest on the sofa, "Glass said it could be because of...my depression, and to be honest, I'm starting to think that its true..."

"Ok, don't move." Clef said

"Ok", bright sighed, and clef went back to his search for a blanket. Bright reached for the remote and turned on the tv. There was nothing interesting on at this time of day, a couple of right wing news channels babbling about vaccines, and some kids channels running early morning cartoons, but nothing that interested him. He switched to the apps menu and selected netflix, then browsed for a while before selecting a random show and waiting for clef to get back.

"Hey, so I only have this," he held up one massive, fluffy blanket, "Is it ok if we share?"

"Your house." bright muttered as he started playing the episode of Arcane

"Cool," Clef said as he walked up to bright and wrapped half of the blanket around him before sitting down and covering himself with the rest of the fabric and then turning to watch the show. About 5 minutes into the episode however, bright had fallen asleep, exhausted from vomiting. Clef looked over at bright and then to his half-eaten pancakes before getting up and picking up the plate  and putting the pancakes into the kitchen bin. When he got back, bright had fully wrapped the blanket around himself, and laid down across the whole sofa. 

Clef sighed and turned off the tv then left the room down the hall to his room. He paused when he got to the locked door, and turned to unlock it before walking in. he sat on the bed and put his head in  his hands. "Fuck." He muttered. his third eye had begun to appear on his forehead, before tears started forming, "Why do I do this to myself, why can't i just...just...I don't even fucking know! why can't I forget this? why can't I tell people how i feel?" He paused "I need to move on...She isn't going to be allowed to leave..." He got up and wiped his tears, left and locked the door and went to his room before taking off his hat and falling asleep on top of his duvet.

When bright woke up, the sun was starting to set and the orange glow of the sun bathed the room in warm light. Bright sat up, still holding the blanket close to him, and looked around, but clef wasn't there. Bright worried about clef, he was concerned that he had caused him too much trouble and scared him off. 'Why do I care?' Bright thought to himself, 'He's just a co-worker and a friend' Bright got a sickening feeling in his stomach and he felt as if he would vomit if he wasn't already drained. It felt so...wrong, so...weird. But why? Did bright just not like him or did he...like him too much? Bright sat there, lost in thought, 'I want to get to know him more, thats all' he said to himself 'Nothing- Nothing more than that' It felt so wrong. 'Why do I do this?' he thought, 'I push people away so much, my mother, Mikell, even Tj... What's wrong with me?' he grabbed a pillow, held it to his stomach and laid down in the foetal position, 'I mean- I LIKE him, but- but what if he gets taken away from me, what if he doesn't want me back, then our- our friendship is ruined.' Bright buried his face in the cushion, 'I just...won't tell him, he doesn't have to know, he doesn't. have. to know.' 

bright sighed 'I need to make an appointment with glass....' He reached into his pocket for his phone before realising he had left it in the room 'great...' bright yawned 'I'm still really tired...' He was just about to fall back asleep before-

*Ring!* *Ring!*

He looked around before noticing a landline phone lit up on the small table beneath the tv, and went to pick it up. 'A', why were they calling? "Hello?" bright answered

"Oh! Hi bright! are- are you ok?" A asked

"I- I'm not-" Bright burst into quiet sobs and collapsed on the sofa, "A! I-I fucked up! I fucked up big time!"

there was a pause on the other end before, "How? what happened?"

"I-I'm not sure..." bright paused...."I think I- I like Clef"

"Why are you crying?" A asked, "It's not a bad thing!"

"I-I just..." bright took a moment, "Can we talk about this at work tomorrow?"

"Yes, of course"

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