Code Brown

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It had been a few months since they had started dating, and it was possibly the best few months of Bright's life. Clef was caring, sweet, kind, albeit mostly to Bright and Bright only, but it was a difference, and the past few dorm movie nights had ended with the two of them falling asleep together on the massive sofa, covered in a cuddly blanket. Bright had also finally solved the thousand peice puzzle that was his gender identity, or at least, he hoped he had after years of questioning. He figured out he was genderfluid, and had promptly told his division that his pronouns may change from time to time, however, he would probably be on the more masc side of the spectrum most of the time.

(A/N I KNOW ITS LAZY WRITING TO HAVE IT WRITTEN LIKE THIS, and I also know it's very sudden just to drop the bomb like this, but I forgot he was genderfluid lol. As a non-binary-genderfluid person, I will try my best to write his genderfluidity well :D)

Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY knew about Clef and Bright, except, by some miracle, Bright's family, specifically, his mother. Bright didn't care what she would think, per say, but rather what she would do, being rather old fashioned, it would probably be something harsh, maybe even convincing her golden child Mikell who just HAD to be an 05 to fire Clef, or worse. But hey, maybe he was just over reacting, right? I mean, when he had tried to tell her he liked boys about...10 years ago she totally flipped, but she might have changed... 'yeah, no.' Bright thought as he tried to fall asleep, desperately thinking of ways to tell his family. Mikell wouldn't care and would probably be supportive, TJ would be excited to have a new member of the family, and the rest would probably just go with it. Bright ended up coming to a conclusion, 'Next code brown, I'll tell them,' he swore to himself before turning onto his side and falling into a restless sleep.

The next morning, the rest of his dorm mates and his boyfriend were watching something on the TV while eating breakfast, there was an empty spot next to Clef, which Bright quickly occupied and snuggled up to him. "So," Bright started, "You know how me and Clef have been dating-"

"ReAlLy?" Kondraki interrupted through a mouthful of cereal, "I hAdN't FuCkInG nOtIcEd!" Clef shot him a quick, glowy eyed glare and he shut up.

"as I was saying, next code brown, I'm gonna tell my family, also about the whole gender thing!"

A looked at him nervously, and shifted in their seat, "Ok, just, be careful, if I know your mother, and I do, she won't be happy, and that bitch has worse anger issues than Konny."

"HEY!" Kondraki stood up, spraying froot loops everywhere.

"Even though it might be hard to believe..." Clef muttered as he used his reality bending abilities to clean up Kondraki's mess and put it back in the bowl that kondraki had now picked up. Bright nuzzled up to Clef as others began to finish eating and go to work, "Eat something," Clef muttered to Bright before his peanut butter toast was almost snatched out of his hand, "NOT MINE!" Clef got up and held it above Brights head, who then scoffed and walked into the kitchen to get some food.

"Oh gods, you two are cheesy," A was sat scrolling on their phone.

Clef sat next to them, "you're just jealous 'cause you're single AF," Clef nudged A, almost hitting them in the face with half a peice of toast in the process.

"Watch it," they muttered as Clef managed to shove the whole thing into his mouth. Bright returned with a plate full of ready made pancakes doused in syrup. So. Much. Syrup. A got up and put their lab coat on, "I'll be in my office if you need me, I have some reports to write though, so interrupt me when you don't need to and I'm telling Light about the 420-j you two keep growing." Bright and Clef nodded and A disappeared.

The day was mostly uneventful up until about 1:30, when bright swore he saw Mikell, but both of them brushed it off until about half an hour later. "Code brown, all Bright family members meet in conference room B"

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