The past hurts

389 7 11

Tw: sexual trauma/discussions of domestic abuse

If you are uncomfortable with this, skip forward when you see a dotted line like this \/

The meeting had officially ended and the Bright family had disbanded, much to the joy of Jack. Claire was about to step out of the facility when she heard the voice of her brother, "CLAIRE! WAIT!" Jack was sprinting up the hall, with Alto not far behind him, clutching a price of paper. "T-TJ drew this a-a few months ago, oh Jesus Christ, for you," he held out the paper as he doubled over, wheezing and trying to catch his breath. Claire took it and smiled at what she saw, a family portrait drawn completely in crayon, with each family member labelled, aside from Sarah.

"Are you sure YOU didn't draw this?" Claire teased, "not to diss TJs drawing of course."

Jack laughed, "oh please," he looked at her, "my people drawings are way worse, Al's the artistic one," he gestured to the man behind him.

"Just because I occasionally sketch doesn't mean I'm artistic," Clef looked down at Bright.

"But you are! You're good at sketching flowers, people, you play the ukulele AND base guitar, and you also did art and drama 'ECSG' or whatever the fuck." Jack looked up at Clef.

Clef only smirked, "it's 'GCSE' genius," he ruffled Bright's auburn hair, "and just because I did that doesn't mean I'm artistic,"

"Wait, you're from the UK?" Claire questioned.

"My parents moved there with me when I was around 8 or 9, I couldn't understand a damn thing half the people said because they had such thick accents, but hey, that's cornwall and I got used to it."

(Seriously though, I can't understand a damned thing those people say, yet I can understand pure, thick lincolnshire dialect? Wtf brain? Well, they are one the opposite side of the country I guess.)

Claire smiled and shook Clef's hand, "great meeting you," she pulled him into a tight hug, "you hurt Jack and I will personally come over here and kill you myself," she muttered just quiet enough for Jack to not hear, "see you!" She smiled and waved as she left as Clef stood there smiling awkwardly.

"Damn, it's late," Jack yawned, to be fair, it was 8:30, really late for them to be on shift, "Do you wanna clock out then go straight to bed, or watch a movie then go to bed or-"

"How about we clock out and see how we go?" Clef smiled. They both punched their cards then went back to the dorm, "where're A and Rights?" Clef asked.

"Dunno where A is, haven't seen them all afternoon, Rights has gone to murder Bright's mother, I think," iceberg muttered as he sat at the table and ate a slice of pizza, "I would've too, but Charlie stopped me."

"All I'm saying is that you can't murder every homophobic parent," Gears said as he took another pizza out of the oven.

"Come on Charlie, let him! It'll be fun!" Kondraki sneered from the sofa, "Think of the headlines! 'Angry Popsicle sets homophobic mother of 5 on fire using molotov cocktail' it would be hilarious!" Iceberg flushed a deep shade of red as he continued to eat his pizza.

"Do you two want any?" Gears asked

"No thanks, we ate with Bright's family," Clef smiled as he opened a can of soda.

Bright did the same, "do you wanna watch a movie in my room?"

"Yeah, sure," Clef smiled and walked into Bright's room. It was messy, clothes everywhere, desk covered in various makeup products of different brands and an electric drum kit in the corner. "Call me 'Artistic' for being good at music but you play the fuckin' drums? Hypocrite." Clef sat on Bright's bed, grinning, as Bright got out his laptop and some snacks he had stashed in a desk drawer. They started to watch a movie, a shitty rom-com bright had picked out off of netflix, both laying on the bed. About 5 minutes into the movie, Bright turned and looked at Clef, who turned to look back at him. "You ok?"

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