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Sorry if the writing is a bit bad on both this chapter and the one before, the UK is experiencing a really bad heatwave and it's difficult to concentrate because of it, just the other day, my area got up to 43 degrees, and yeah, it sucked. once again, sorry.

A/N 2 sorry again! I forgot I was leaving to go to a channel island for a week! That's why the chapter took so long after the heat wave had ended, once again, (◞‸◟ㆀ)ˢᵒʳʳʸ

Clef handed the gifts to bright, who then lead him inside and went to find a vase while clef sat down on the sofa. Bright's house was nice, everything was colourful and stood out and the house was HUGE. Clef knew that bright had inherited the house when his father died and his mother and brother moved to the residential facilities at site 19 permanently, and a lot of the photos were still there. He found one of Bright, Tk, Mikel and his parents in front of a school, with bright holding a certificate reading, 'biology Ambassador' while smiling, showing a mouth full of braces. picked it up and chuckled a bit, when bright came through the door holding the chocolates and realised what he was looking at, "HEY!" his face had begun to turn pink, "G-give that back!"

"HA! No way, this is priceless!" Clef said, amused before bright managed to get it out of his hands and put it on as high a shelf as he could reach, which with him being about 5'4", wasn't very high. He sat on the sofa, put the chocolates down on the coffee table and started smiling just as hard as the bright in the photo. He rested his head on clef's shoulder, Clef looked down at him, smiled softly and put his arm around him, embracing him tightly. He then remembered the chocolates he brought. He picked them up and turned Bright to face him, before opening the box and feeding him one. Clef smiled more when Bright seemed to enjoy it and opened his mouth slightly for another one, which Clef fed him. This continued until there was one left, which bright gave to Clef as a sort of thank you. "So, just out of curiosity...", Clef said

"Oh god.." Bright jokingly muttered, receiving a laugh from Clef

"How long have you felt like this about me? And, why take leave today?" Bright's face dropped slightly as he formulated an answer.

"Well, you've felt like this to me for a while I guess, I just never thought about it until the whole drunk thing," Bright's face flushed a bit more, "As for taking leave, I couldn't bring myself to face you or anyone who saw that I guess, so i was planning on staying home until everyone forgot about it but, HEY! here you are!" he smiled slightly at that last part, making Clef feel even happier.

"Cool," Clef said, "Wanna watch some TV?"

"Sure! How about we binge the new season of the office? I still haven't seen it yet." he smiled shyly

"yeah, sure, I've been too busy to watch it," Clef said wrapped his arm around brights shoulder as he put on the first episode. Soon, the first became the second, the second became the 5th and the next thing they knew, it was 3am.

Bright yawned checked the clock on the wall, "holy sh- we.. Should go to bed.. "

Clef looked at bright, "what? You too weak to pull an all nighter?" Clef said in baby talk, causing bright to pull a face as if he had been force fed a lemon.

"First of all, NO! Second, what on earth was that voice? Ha! You sounded like a whiney little prick!" Alto laughed with Jack, and nodded in agreement, pulling him into a close hug.

"You wanna keep watching or not?" Clef asked, "it's ok if you don't."

Bright smiled and yawned again, "I think I wanna go to bed" he got up and paused, "I haven't set up the guest bedroom though, so we might as well just stay up, I cant be bothered tonight- this morning? What ever.

Jack sat down and Alto pressed play, embracing the short man sat next to him again. Within a few minutes, they were both asleep in each other's arms.

Clef was awoken by brights ringtone, which he tried to pretend wasn't cpr by cupcakke. (Bro, I forgot this was set in 2007 when writing this, but its too funny to get rid of so it's staying)

Bright stirred slightly, but didn't wake up, so clef picked up the phone. It was Dr light, site director of sites 19 and 17, and their boss. Clef picked up the phone and answered, "Hey sofia... " he muttered, still barely awake

"Clef? I'm sorry, I meant to call bright-" she said, sounding a little embarrassed

"No, you called him, but he's still asleep..." Clef explained, still not realising what he had said or what he was doing

"Oh.. Uh... Well, can you tell him that you both need to come in today and that he is due for a body change in about three hours?" She said, still trying to process the whole conversation

"Yeah I will, bye Sofia."


Clef put the phone down and was about to shake Bright awake when...

"FUCK!" Bright jumped awake, startled at Clef's outburst

"What? What's wrong?!" Bright was sat bolt up right, his hair messy and untamed.

"LightjustcalledonyourphoneandIanswered! SHIT!" Clef blurted out, but Bright just looked confused, "I said you were still asleep and that's why I answered, she's gonna fucking think that we are- that we did-"

"Oh... " he sounded slightly disappointed, "are we not telling anyone about... Us?" Clef could tell that bright wanted to let people know, but he didn't know if it was what he wanted yet

"I mean, I was gonna suggest we go on a couple dates first..." Clef looked embarrassed, his cheeks flushing a light shade of pink

"Ok," bright was still half asleep and struggling to comprehend some of the conversation, "does this count as a date?"

"If you want it to," Clef smiled back, sweetly this time, instead of his signature smile of a cheshire Cat, it was a smile of love and happiness. "Oh and we need to be in today, you need a new body in about three hours so... 11:45."

"I can do math, genius." Bright stated playfully as he got up off the sofa and went up to his room to get changed and Clef sat on the sofa. "Shit, we don't have a way to get to work," bright said a few minutes later, "it's too late to call a lift right?"

"Yeah," Clef muttered, "should we call A to get us there or are they still sick?"

Bright considered it before reaching for his phone and calling A, who picked up immediately, "Hello?" They sounded groggy and tired, "before you ask, no I'm not in today."

"Oh, that sucks," Bright said, " I was just calling to see in you could get me and Clef to work, but if you're still sick don't worry about-"

"No, I'll get you there, " they said, before hanging up. A portal opened next to Clef and A walked out, their hair a mess, the black dye completely gone, and dressed in sweats.

"Thanks A, you're a life saver!" Clef said as A stretched out their arms and opened another portal, barely able to stand

"Yeah, whatever, just go through before I pass out." And with that both Clef and Bright walked through the dark portal before them and within moments were in the break room. The portal closed behind them and they walked over to the schedule on the cork board. There were only two things to do that day, bright getting a new body and Clef having a meeting with Light later that afternoon, so for now, they could both just relax.

"Damn," bright sighed, "we should really get that online schedule thingy that Gears was on about a couple weeks ago, huh?"

Clef didn't say anything, he just climbed into bed and attempted to fall asleep to pass the time, when bright seemed to appear on top of the covers next to him, "mind if I stay here?" Bright asked. Clef shook his head and pulled bright into a hug, as the shorter researcher buried his head in the base of his neck. Bright needed this, he had had basically nothing to live for, for 2 painfully long years of his life, and here it, or rather, he was, someone he truly loved and cared for, someone who made him feel valued. Not only that, but someone like him, crazy eccentric, anxious, depressed and...immortal. (Oh yeah sorry lol I forgot to mention but clef is immortal and a reality bender :/ ) it also made him feel kinda sad, he had no one for so long and everyone else he had cared for in this way had left him and the others he held dear had all distanced themselves from him, his family a perfect example of that, so to have someone like this was so comforting that he fell asleep almost instantly, soon followed by Clef.

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