Bad plans & Cloroform

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Authors note: This is gunna be a short chapter, sorry guys I'll try my best to finish the book soon! Enjoy!

Nina's POV:

"Wakey Wakey you two. We've got a big day today!" Rufus said walking into the room with an evil grin on his face.

"What do you want with us?" Eddie yelled at him for about the hundredth time. He still didn't quite understand that he was the Osiran and was one half of this ceremony.

"You'll find out soon enough you stupid boy." He said before Mr.Morris came in as well. "Now, let's make this as easy and painless as possible, okay."

Rufus walked towards me as Mr.Morris walked toward Eddie. They both held out a rag soaked in chloroform. Oh no. At the same time they covered our mouths and noses lot allowing us to breath fresh air and after a minute or two I blacked out.

Patricia's POV:

I lead everyone through the forest and to the house on the other side of them I started thinking.

'What happens if Rufus is waiting for us to return.'
'what if they already moved Nina and Eddie after they saw me at the house'

I started worrying that when we got there the house would be empty. I would be letting everyone down.

I shook those thoughts out of my head as we approached the house. It looked exactly as it did yesterday. not that I was expecting it to change or anything. That would be stupid wouldn't it. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket signaling I had a text.


Mr.Creepy kidnapper is here.

I rolled my eyes. of course he name some stupid nickname for him. That's good. Mr.Morris is at school. I haven't seen a car anywhere either meaning Rufus is most likely not here. I had Amber and Joy keep watch while me and Fabian looked for Nina and Eddie. there was nothing in the basement or on the first floor. We quietly headed upstairs and we found an almost empty room. There was a mattress and what seemed to be food trays. Walking in a sent of chemicals filled my nose.

Suddenly a large arm was wrapped around my shoulders and a clothe was covering my mouth and nose. I glanced over at Fabian to see him in the same position. I tried screaming out hoping Joy or Amber would hear but nothing came out. and soon enough everything went black.

Amber's POV:

Joy and I stood outside an old looking house waiting for Fabian and Patricia to get Nina and Eddie. Joy was looking around the woods making sure no one was coming were as I stood on my phone looking at new shoes. Don't judge me the ones I'm wearing now are muddy and gross. After about ten minutes I heard the door open behind me. I spun around quickly hoping to see Nina but instead an arm shoved a rag in my face covered in some type of chemical. Joy noticed and jumped onto the man. But sadly he flipped her off him and held a rag to her mouth as well and before I knew it everything turned black.

Jerome's POV: (surprise)

Mara and I were sitting outside by the edge of the woods after class. We had made a study date since we had a test next class. And I know what your all thinking. Jerome studying, yeah right. Well I'm not really studying. I just wanted to spend more time with Mara.

She was going on about Adriatic equations or something like that. But I wasn't really paying attention. After about five minutes of not paying attention to her I felt a rag covering my mouth and nose. I tried ripping it away from my face looking over at Mara seeing her doing the same thing. I elbowed whoever was drugging us in the stomach making him loosen his grip. I ripped his hand away from Mars and told her to run. Sadly she didn't get far as Mystery man had grabbed her ankle and dragged her back. Soon after everything turned black.

Fabian's POV:

I woke up in the clearing. The clearing were everything started. Were Nina Amber and I first started Sibuna. I noticed I was tied down to a chair. looking around I noticed everyone from Anubis house was here. Not just Sibuna but Jerome and Mara too. Nina and Eddie were in the center of the circle facing each other. I already knew what was going on. Yet I was hoping I was wrong. I was praying this was all a dream and I would wake up in my bed and go to breakfast and see Nina at the table eating. I was praying Rufus was gone and Non of this ever happened. I knew I had to find a way to stop this ceremony and save Nina,The love of my life, and my Best friend.

Nina's POV:

I woke up in the clearing, my ands and feet tied to a chair. The sun blinded my eyes seeing as I haven't been outside in a long time. After a minute my vision cleared up and I looked around to see the rest of Anubis house was here. Eddie was tied up to a chair and placed facing me a few feet away. Everyone else made a circle around us. And that's when it hit me. The Ancient Circle. The summoning of Seth. There all part of the ceremony.

I am going to die today.

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