Bulling isn't Okay

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Hey guys it's Bridget, I'm sorry this isn't an update and most of you are probably not gunna read it but I just need to talk to you for a second.

So the other day a girl I thought was my friend said some really mean stuff to me. she called me a lesbian just because is I'm bi and she called me a cock sucking prick and snapchated me a picture of herself flipping me off. luckily I was at a track meet and I was sitting with some of my friends who helped cheer me up since I was crying really hard.

Anyways I just wanted to say that bullying is NOT OKAY! It hurts people a lot! Like just her saying those things made me want to start self harming again. but I know if I did that I would let a lot of people I love down.

So if you've ever been bullied I just want to say that I'm proud of you for staying strong! And if your being bullied currently you need to tell someone. I love all you guys and it's not right to bully or be bullied.

I promise I'll try and update. but I have mid terms coming up so it probably won't be anytime soon. I love all you guys!

- Bridget 😘

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