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Nina's POV:

The next morning I sat down next to Fabian and ate breakfast. I missed Trudy's cooking and everyone being crazy before school. Of course dinner is much crazier. Amber came in with perfectly wavy hair. She sat down next to me and started talking to me about some book that she saw victor reading. She said it was about some ceremony. Amber also said she saw were he had put it. "Good job amber!." I said. Patricia walked in a few minutes later and then Alfie. " Ok so meet in Amber and my room after dinner and we'll set the plan in motion at 6" I said as we got up and left for class.

In History class

Me and Fabian sat at the second desk in the first row. When Mr. Morris came in I acted as normal as posable and tried not to make eye contact. " are you ok" Fabian asked me, I nodded but kept quiet." When class ended Mr. Morris asked me to stay behind. Fabian stayed with me so did Amber and Patricia and Alfie. " Miss. Martin you have missed quit a few day's of school why is that?" "I think you know exactly why she hasn't been here" Fabian cut in " excuse me Mr. Rutter but that tone won't be excepted in this class. And Unless your name is Miss.Martin you should not be talking." Mr.Morris shot back. We left the class room and headed back to he house.

Patricia's POV:

Eddie was acting kind of weird today. Like in history class he truer to sit next to me. That's when I pulled Amber into the seat next to me. Then when we left Mr. Morris's class he tried to talk to me but I left school before he could. I wonder if he knew I liked him. No, he couldn't I mean everyone knew we hated each other. When we all got back to the house I went into Nina and Amber's room. I sat down next to Nina on her bed "I like Eddie." I just blurted it out. " You like Eddie!"Nina said looking surprised. "Duh!" Amber said "duh? what did you know!" I said confused because I haven't told anyone that I liked him. " It's totally obvious I mean your perfect for each other. Like Fabian and Nina." Amber said confidently "So you just assumed" "pretty much" Amber replied. " So when are two gunna get together. Your not gunna make everyone Wait all year like Fabian and Nina are you?" "Once again still in the room guys" Nina said. " I don't know I doubt he even likes me" I replied ignoring Nina. " Take it from Millington he dose." Amber sounded so cocky when she said that. I wondered if she was right. I shock it off my mind I couldn't have a relationship what was I thinking, that's just one more person I have to lie to. Hell I was already lying to him so what did it matter. There was no way I could have a relationship.

Eddie's POV:

Patricia has been acting really strange lately. After History I tried talking to her but she ran off with her friend's. I wonder if she knew I like her. I haven't told anyone, she couldn't know. Not posable. Maybe to night I could talk to her after dinner.

Dinner Time.

I sat across from Patricia at dinner. I over heard her talking to joy about studying after dinner in her room. That was it after dinner I would talk to her. Dinner went surprisingly well, Alfie and Jerome didn't start another food fight so that was good. A little while after dinner I went up to Patricia's room. Fabian, Nina, and Amber were all in the lounge. Alfie and Jerome were in there room planning prank's. Joy and Mara were washing up, so Patricia was studying alone. So I started up the stairs to her room.

Patricia's POV:

I was up in my room studying when Eddie came in. I got up and stood across him in the middle of the room. I tried to say something but he stopped me. " Patricia just listen for a minute. I like you Patricia, I admit it.And I truly believe that some wear deep down you like me too-" Eddie said. He was gunna keep talking until I interrupted him. Before I even knew what to do my lips were pressed against his. I kissed him!

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