Dateing, Dreams & Coming Clean

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Patricia's POV:

I sat across the table from Eddie. We were one our first official date and I have to admit I'm pretty nervous. I turned off my phone and put it my bag so that I know that no one would bother me and Eddie. We both looked at the menu and decided in what we wanted to eat.

"Can I get you something to eat?" The waiter said as she walked up to us.

"Yea I'll have the steak." Eddie said and handed her his menu.

"I'll have the pasta." I said and handed her my menu.

"I'll be right back with those." she said and winked at Eddie before turning and walking away.

"Pasta. really?" Eddie said smiling at me

"What?" I said

"I think we both know you would rather shove your face in a hamburger." He said trying to hold back a laugh.

"Yeah so would you. But you got stake instead." I said to him making it impossible for him to hold the laughter in.

A few minutes later the waitress came back and us our food. She was really nice to Eddie which surprisingly got in my nerves.

"What was that all about?" I said

"What was what all about?" Eddie asked as he took a sip of his coke.

"That waitress. She's fleeting with you like right in front of me. What a bitch." I said angrily.

"Awwww is someone jealous." Eddie teased

"No! I don't get jealous." I said blushing a little.

We ate our food and talked and laughed. We had a really good time. When we finished dinner the waitress gave us our bill. She gave Eddie her phone number which got me really mad. Eddie and I got up and I started towered a the door. After taking like two steps Eddie grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. He made shore the waitress was looking and kissed me.

Eddie's POV:

Me and Yaker were about to leave the restaurant. I had a really good time but it was obvious Patricia hatted our waitress. So before she had time to storm off to the car I kissed her. Our lips were pressed together and it felt like we were the only two people left in the world. Of course we were standing in the middle of a restaurant which was a little awkward but I didn't care.

"Better." I asked Patricia when we released. She looked over at the waitress who was steaming mad.

"Much." she said and smiled

I took her hand in mine and intertwined our fingers. We walked out of the restaurant together holding hands. When we got back to the house it was 9. One more out and Victor would be dropping his pin. Patricia and I walked into the lounge and found everyone sitting around reading or doing homework. Mara of course was working in extra credit as always. Even Jerome was sitting in the couch. Fabian wasn't there through. I figured he was probably in our room. I said good night to Patricia an walked into Fabian's and my room. I was correct he was sitting on his bed asleep. I got sat in my bed and went onto y laptop. I went into Facebook and saw one of my American friends said that he was conning to visit. His name's Ben we used to hang out when we were little and still do sometimes. I told him he should come visit and said we would. We messaged for an hour and I had to say good bye when victor started up his pin drop.

"It is ten O' clock. You have five minutes and precisely and then I want to hear a pin... drop" he said as usual.

I put my laptop on the floor as fell asleep. That night I had the strangest dream. I saw Nina. She was sitting in a dark cold room. She was only wearing her pajama bottoms and a tank top. There was a thin blanket wrapped around her shoulders but she was still shivering. There was a cut in her four head and she looked scared. Her eye's were red and puffy and you could tell she had been crying. She sat there silently. Then I saw the shadow of a talk dark figure standing I front of her

"Please don't hurt me." she begged "Just let me go!"

And then the dream ended.

When I dream ended I had woken up it had only been 2 hours and was midnight. Fabian was still asleep in bed. I got to get a drink if water. I walked into the kitchen and herd Victor in the phone upstairs in his office. I listened in on his conversation.

"She's gone again. Nina Martin has gone missing for the second time this term."

"I don't know who took her. And I am aware that we need to find her before the full moon next week."

"I am aware of our dead line! Don't worry. Her friends will start looking for her soon and they shall bring her back to us. Just in time for our ceremony. Do not worry. We will have everything ready in time."

End of call:

Back to Eddie's POV:

What was that all about? Why dose victor need Nina? Who was in the other line? Were is Nina? Those were all questions that raced through my head as I walked back to my room. I lied down and fell back asleep.

The next day I woke up to the annoying sous of my alarm clock. I walked into the kitchen and found Alfie, Patricia. Amber and Fabian all sitting around the table. I decided I should come clean and tell them that I saw then ransack Victors office that night and that I know Nina was taken by someone.

"Guy's we have to talk." I said " a few weeks ago I saw you guys and Nina create a distraction and ransack victors office. I know that you toon something but I don't know what. I also that Nina isn't with her gran. She was kidnapped by someone. And that victor and some other person is trying to use her for some ceremony." I said. everyone faces were shocked

"How do you know all this?" Fabian asked me.

I saw you sneaking out I our room the night you ransacked victors office. I followed you and saw everything. After you took something out of his office I went back down stairs and waited for Fabian to come back down. Then last night I had a dream. Nina was sitting in some dark room and she was cold. like freezing cold. She was shivering and her eye's were all red and puffy from crying. Then there was Afars figure standing in front if her. I didn't see the face only the shadow then Nina begged him to let her go an not to hurt her. After that the dream ended. then I went to get a drink and I herd victor in the phone. He was talking to someone I don't know who but they talked about needing Nina for a ceremony and how her friend will bring her back for them." I explained

"Guy's," Patricia said "I think we should tell him."

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