Brake ups and Eddie?

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Fabian's POV:

I was sitting on my bed searching threw the web and any books I could find in ancient Egyptian ceremonies. I was in the middle of reading the ceremony of summoning Seth when my phone started ringing.


I looked at the caller ID. Nina I answered it as quickly as possible.

"Hello?! Nina! Nina is that you?!!" I asked quickly scare that the call would drop any second.

"Fabian. I have to tell you something." As soon as I Hurd we sweet angelic voice I felt the tears forming my eyes.

"W-what is it?" I stuttered

"Fabian I love you! You have to know that okay. I don't have a lot if time to talk but I want you to know that I don't think there is a way out of this one. Or if there is one there's might not be a way to save me Fabian." she explained

"What do you mean! Nina what are you saying!" I stated panicking.

"Fabian I-" she paused and coked back a sod "I- I'm breaking up.... With you Fabian. This isn't easy for me but I have to keep you safe." She cried

"I love you Nina!" I said into the phone

"I love you too." Was all I hurd before the line went dead. I slammed my lap too closed, chucked my phone across the room and cried. and cried, and cried.

I can't believe this. She was the one. She IS the one. The one I love with all my heart.

Nina's POV:

"I love you Nina." Those words kept replying in my head as I sat in the corner of the room and cried, and cried. I didn't even notice when Mr.kidnapper opened the door and shoved another person ini the room. I ignored it and just kept crying.

"Hey are you okay?" A voice said. that voice I know that voice some how. it was an American accident.

"Um...yeah I'm fine." I said slowly.

"Nina?" I voice said "Nina is that you?!"

"Who are you? How do you know me?" I asked

"It's me Eddie!" he exclaimed

"OMG Eddie!" I shouted

"What are you doing here?!" I asked

"I was kidnapped what do you think I was doing here." he said sarcastically "why were you crying? is everything okay. Did he hurt you? Are out hurt?" He asked

"No. um I just, broke up with Fabian." I sighed as tears continued to fall down my cheeks.

"Why, don't you love him?" he asked

"I do, I really really do But weather or not we can stop this ceremony, I'll be killed either way. This person wants to summon Seth and set off and eternal darkness filled with chaos." I explained.

"What do you have to die?"

"Because I'm the chosen one. Trying to be killed comes with the job and the power I guess."

"That's not fair." he said

"That's life." I said "We should get some sleep. Its been a long day."

"Yeah, sure." he said Lying down and opening his arms for me. I was hesitant but soon gave in and curled up next to him letting my last few tears fall down my cheeks before I fell asleep.

Patricia's POV:

It's almost 10 o clock and eddies not back yet. I've been calling an texting him. I'm freaking out. I walked into Fabians room to ask him if he's heard from Eddie. I walked into his room only I find him curled up on in the corner crying his eyes out. He didn't even see me come in. I ran out of the room and got Alfie, Jerome, and Amber. We hurried back into his room and crouched down next to him.

"Fabian?" Amber said softly placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at us with puffy red eyes.

"Fabian what's wrong?" I asked

"Nina, Nina b-broke u-up with m-me." he barely managed to speak.

"How she's missing?" Jerome asked

"Sh-she called m-me, she said she didn't h-have a long time to talk and she told me she loved me but there might not be a way to save her." he said with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Fabian." Amber said sincerely.

"It's fine..... could I just be alone please. I just want to sleep." I said

"Okay. If you need anything Alfie and Jerome are right next door I said before shooing everyone else out of the room.

"It is Ten O'clock! Why are you not in bed!" Victor said from his normal spot in the hall way by the bottom of the stairs. we all rushed to our rooms. Amber and I running up stairs. We got to Amber and Nina's room quickly. crawling into bed I had to thoughts in my head.

What did Nina mean by there might not be a way to save her. And why is Eddie now missing.


I'm sorry at short, but it's better then nothing. Did anyone cry at the begin on this chapter. I did well writing it. So why do you think Eddie was taken? Do you think theres going to be a way to save Nina? Who do you think the kidnapper is? anyway ill try an update soon.

- Bridget 😘

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