Missing & Kissing

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Piper's POV:


I started playing music and dancing around the room. That is until I tripped over some clothes Patricia left on the floor. falling to the floor and landing with a 'Thud'. I took out my head phone listening to make sure that no one Hurd that. I thought I was in the clear when I Hurd a mans voice call out.

"Who's here? Why aren't you in school!?" It had to be Victor. There are no other man in house.

I stayed silent. I stayed perfectly still on the floor. It was so quiet in this room you could here a pin drop.

I hoped he had walked away so I slowly got up. Just then the door nob started turning.

Shit! What do I do now!

End of recap:

Before the door could open I threw myself onto the ground and under Patricia's bed. I breathed in slowly as the door swung open. A saw a pair of feet walk around the room. luckily he didn't check under the bed and he left. I exhaled the breath that i had been holding. That was a close one. I need I be more careful. I slowly and carefully slid out from under the bed and stood up. Now what do I do. Oh I know!

I pulled out Patricia's laptop and went on twitter. I logged on and started scrolling threw recent tweets. after about 20 minutes of that I started to get hungry. Patricia had snuck up a bag of food since Victor and Trudy would be timing around all day. I pulled put a back of chips and started to munch on them. School should be over soon. That's good. Hopefully I won't be stuck in here alone much longer.

Fabian's POV:

I couldn't even focus on school today. All I could think about was Nina. Eddie said that he had some type of dream of Nina. He told us that she was being kept in some dark room begging someone to let her go. He told us that she was freezing cold. Now I just can't focus! I was glaring at Mr. Morris all through class. He didn't seem to notice. I swear to god if he has anything to do with this! Eddie has now joined Sibuna. I know we probably should have had Nina with us to decide on that but she's in danger. The time limit for the ceremony is in almost less then a month. By now school was over and I was sitting in the clearing. The clearing were Nina, Amber and I first created Sibuna. Memories started flowing back in my mind. All from last year. The first day we met, the first time we went up into the attic. When we started the Search for the cup. When we found put the cup together and found out Nina was the chosen one. I closed my eyes and let a few years roll down my cheeks.

"I miss you Nina! I love You."

Amber's POV:

I miss Nina. my room is so empty with out here. The house isn't as fun with our her. Mara asked to stay in my room for a little while. She said that her room seemed a little crowded these days. She just needed a quiet room to do all her homework and extra credit and stuff. I noticed Patricia was acting strange today. I wonder how everything between her and Eddie are going. I'm sure there fine. Right. Yeah. ok back to Nina. I miss her. I miss me giving her advise on clothes and Fabian and talking about Sibuna with her. I can tell Fabians hurting. He misses her. We have no leads on we're her kidnapper is keeping her. I just want her back ya know.

At dinner everyone was oddly quiet. I mean its been a few days with our Nina but I guess everyone misses her. I just don't know what's going on. Why and who would kidnap Nina. I mean the ceremony isn't supposed to be for another month. Why now. There's got to be a reason. Right?

After dinner Fabian, Alfie, Patricia and I all went and walked around the woods Looking for leads on Nina. We didn't want to take Eddie and make it obvious that something's going on. Well more obvious. But whatever. We won't stop looking for Nina until She's found.

Eddie's POV:

After dinner I was looking for Patricia. She wasn't in the lounge or kitchen. She wasn't in Amber's room. Actually amber wasn't in her room either. Joy, Mara and Jerome were down stairs. Were is everyone. There not in Alfie's room. I checked. I walked into Patricia's room to see her sitting on her bed. She was in her laptop of course. I walked up and sat next to her.

"Hey Yaker." I smirked

"Um.... Hi" She said. Weird. She would normally call me Weasel or add in some other insult.

"So I was thinking. I know everything been kinda crazy around here lately but how about you and I go see a movie tomorrow night. Since tomorrow is a Friday?" I asked

"Yeah. Sure. Sounds great." she said smiling. Something seemed...Off about her today.

"Cool. be ready by 7." I said quickly.

I leaned in pressing my lips to hers gently. I pulled away before she kissed back and got up walking out the door. She sat there looking a little shocked. I wonder why. ok something is defiantly wrong. She has to be handing something from me. Right. yeah of course. I wonder what it is.

Piper's POV:

I was sitting on Patricia's working on her laptop when someone walked in. It was a boy. Oh no.

"Hey Yaker!" he said sitting next to me.

"Um.....hi" I said awkwardly. I really joule get to know these people. well know which one is which and who's who. It would help.

"So I was thinking. I know everything been kinda crazy around here lately but how about you and I go see a movie tomorrow night. Since tomorrow is a Friday?" He asked

"Yeah. Sure. Sounds great." I smiled at him. I'm still a little confused in who he is.

"Cool. be ready by 7." he said quickly.

Before I could do or say anything he kissed me. Well I mean he thought I was Patricia. Wait! Date, Kiss, THIS MUST BE EDDIE! SHIT! Patricia's gunna kill me if she ever finds out. Well she shouldn't kill me. he did kiss me. I sat there shocked not knowing what to do. Then her pulled away and walked out.


Authors Note:

Hey people! Thanks for being patient with me lately. you guys all rock.

Ok so if you didn't notice during the chapter I changed the amount of time they have before the ceremony. I just feel like if it was in a few weeks the boom would end sooner then I want it to so I moved it back.

Remember of you have any ideas for the story or whatever just comment or direct message me or Something.

THANKS GUYS! You all rock. Until next update which will hopefully be soon.

- Bridget

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