The Phone Call

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Nina's POV:

This is not good. This is really really not good! I can't go through with this ritual. I mean it's not like I was ever going to but I'm stuck here so I can't exactly say 'No'. This book is so confusing. It makes no since because it written in Egyptian. As you can imagine it takes a while to translate hieroglyphics. So far I've translated:

Ancient circle

Osiran and Chosen one

Summoning of Seth

Never ending darkness

Chosen one dies

I don't even have to translate the rest to know that this is bad and sucks and could possibly end the world forever.

I don't know anything about this scientific circle though. And who or what is the Osiran. I don't even know who my kidnapper is and know I find out he wants to kill me. What else could go wrong!

Eddie's POV:

Everyone's stressed out with Nina missing. Joys getting Curious and Jerome wants answers about what's going on. Every Sibuna member has pretty much neglected school work and homework. We've put everything everything into trying to find Nina and find out about this ceremony.

We were currently all sitting in mine and Fabian's room looking up Egyptian ceremony's and rituals. Right now were reading about a ceremony for Seth who's the god of chaos.

"Do you think this could be what's going I happen?" Patricia asked "Who ever took Nina could be summoning Seth to kill Nina and set off and eternal darkness."

"Could we please not think about Nina dying right now it's not helping this situation." Fabian said. His eyes were bloodshot from crying himself to sleep each night. He must really love her. Nina I mean.

"Don't worry Fabian we'll get Nina back." Amber said trying to comport him.

"Yeah man we'll save her from what ever evil man took her!" Alfie piped in.

For some reason I started not feeling well. It was odd.

"Hey guys I'm going to take a walk. ill be back later." I said

"Okay. just be careful and watch out for anything suspicious or any places Nina could be." Fabian said

"Alright." and with that I walked out of the house and into the woods.

I had been walking for a long time when I suddenly got the feeling someone was watching me. I turned around to find nothing. Just trees and grass. I looked back to see a big man in black right in front of me. it took me by suppose so I stumbled back a little.

"W-who are you?" I asked

The man took a step closer to me. before I could do anything he put me in a headlock with a cloth over my mouth and nose. Soon enough everything turned black.

Nina's POV:

I was sitting in the dark room that 'He' put me in. Just thinking. It seems I've done a lot of that recently.

'If I'm going to die, will I be able to at least say goodbye to my friends? to gran? to Fabian?" I thought to myself.

Just then he opened the door. Dressed all in black. again. I wonder why.

"I want to call Fabian!" I said before he could do or say anything. "just to say goodbye to him if, when I die, when I'm killed."

"No!" he snapped

"Please! I won't come in contact with them ever again. I just want to say goodbye. is that too much to ask for j mean your taking my whole life away my whole future!" I begged

"Fine, you get one minute and I have to supervise."


He left the room and came back less then five minutes later with a cell phone. My cell phone. It was already in Fabians number so I quickly pressed the call button and waited for him to pick up.


"Hello?! Nina! Nina is that you?!!" once I here his voice I couldn't help but hold back a sob threatening to come out.

"Fabian. I have to tell you something."

Authors note;


SURPRISE it's me finally!! yes I know I know it's been so long! yeah writers block is a bitch isn't it. Anyway I finally updated so whooooooohooooo!!!! I'll try and update again soon. I know I say that every time but I mean it this time I swear! alright I know the chapters short but at least I updated so you can't get mad. Anyway I bet you can't guess what's coming up next huh? take a guess in the comments and vote too!

Love you guys

- Bridget <3

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